[Pkg-phototools-devel] World Bank foreign payment latest discovery.

Joseph Coulibaly j_coulibaly at aol.fr
Thu Jan 30 00:12:03 UTC 2014

Mr. Joseph Coulibaly
The World Bank, Office of the Special
Representative to the UN
1 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
885  2nd Avenue, 26th Floor
New York, NY 10017, U.S.A.
World Bank foreign payment latest discovery.
Dear Beneficiary,
Our independent financial security monitory agentshave just confirmed your dealings with some unauthorized impersonated staffs ofvarious existing and non existing government and non-governmental organizationsoperating from different offices, We are contacting you today because we aretaking over your Online Safety, We all know that the rate of fraudsters onlineare so much that we all receive at least 200 messages per day, All thosestories are lies used by fraudsters to extort money from people. This is yourpayment reference number (WEREMN890), we advise you to stop furthercommunications either by email, fax or telephone upon the receipt of thismessage or you might as well continue with them but please remember to notethis phrase, you will never receive one dollar cent outside our organizationsince your payment release manifest booklet is registered under our abode.
We have been confirmed the responsibility of releasinglottery, contract, inheritance and other foreign payment transactions throughour approved reputable bank in Africa (via ATM CARD), Europe (via Online Bankwire transfer) and America (via telephone banking wire transfer) .On theprompting of this finding, I wish to officially notify you that already, atotal amount of US$500 Million has been provided to the World Bank for thispurpose of compensation and it is on first come, first serve. I wish to inform youfurther that the sum of US$2.5 million has been approved for compensation inyour name for you to receive the funds in any one of the three options listedabove. In view of this, you are advice to inform this office urgently yourpreferable option of payment to enable us direct you to the approved Bank andbe rest assured that any option you chosen is under our custody and we shallmonitor this payment until it gets to you safely because we have fiduciaryagents attached to these approved paying Bank in Africa, Europe and here inUnited states. 
It will be imperative if you listen to the voice ofwisdom and stop chasing shadows. Please ask yourself why after all the feespaid to those crooks nothing was given back to you or have you thought why eachtime you send money they will come up demanding for another fee which willcontinue until you are bankrupt.
Finally, answer all the above questions and get backto this office as soon as possible, we are trying to safe you from furtherextortion in the hands of those impostors. You will not be disappointed ifactually you will believe us. Further details will be reiterated to youimmediately you respond to this message. I know you must have been humiliatedin the past, find a place in your heart to forget all the intimidation andtrauma suffered in the hands of those crooks. We have discovered there illicitoppression through our secret imposed agents, you will never receive one dollarcent outside the World Bank because we have signed agreement with the FederalBureau of investigation, united nations and the Entire world organisation tohandle this payment our selves. This is different from your previous dealings.
Kindly get back to this office immediately for moredetails and re-confirm to us the below information.
1. YOUR FULL NAME..........
2. HOME ADDRESS.........
3. HOME PHONE..............
4. YOUR CELLPHONE................
6. YOUR COUNTRY...............
Confidential details will be furnished as soon as yourespond.
Mr. Joseph Coulibaly.
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