[Pkg-phototools-devel] Bug#751672: openimageio: please include verbatim license text

Ansgar Burchardt ansgar at debian.org
Sun Jun 15 12:23:34 UTC 2014

Source: openimageio
Version: 1.4.9~dfsg0-1

Please include the verbatim license text as used upstream. The
BSD-3-clause block talks about "the name of the University nor the names
of its contributors" which is not the wording used upstream.

src\dpx.imageio\libdpx\DPXStream.h also has a different wording.

Also src/ptex.imageio/ptex/* is not released under a BSD-2-clause
license. src\ptex.imageio\ptex\PtexSeparableFilter.cpp has a third
clause about names.

src/include/tbb/* is not (or no longer) included in the upstream


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