[Pkg-phototools-devel] Bug#763593: openjpegs binaries are taken over

Andreas Barth aba at ayous.org
Wed Oct 1 20:26:46 UTC 2014

* Andreas Barth (aba at ayous.org) [141001 20:23]:
> As it is planned to get rid of openjpeg (see #761356 ) I would
> recommend to just drop the packages from openjpeg.

We had some discussion on this on #-ftp today. One is that it seems
that jessie will release with openjpeg, not openjpeg2. The other is
that Adam D. Barratt had given the recommendation to upload openjpeg
with an epoch to take back the packages.

As both are connected and fit to each other, this is what I plan to

I'm happy to support you by uploading an appropriate NMU. Please just
indicate if that would help you.


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