[Pkg-phototools-devel] Bug#785071: pto2mk gone, breaks debian/tests/simple.pano.test

Andreas Metzler ametzler at bebt.de
Wed May 20 17:52:04 UTC 2015

On 2015-05-20 Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> wrote:
> Andreas Metzler [2015-05-20 18:08 +0200]:
>> Yes, it worked for me. However it is only fixed in GIT, this code is
>> not yet uploaded, and not available in sid. So
>> unless you have pulled GIT head you would not see the change.

> I grabbed the autopkgtest (debian/tests) from git, but ran it against
> the package in sid. AFAICS, there is nothing else in git
> (http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-phototools/hugin.git) except for
> that test fix.

> How/where did you run the test exactly? With adt-run in a minimal
> environment like schroot/lxc, or just on your local system? If the
> latter, then this might lack some test dependencies?

Hello Martin,

on further checking you are right. The commandline utities evaluate
some parts of ~/.hugin where I had set
while hugin's default value (without ~/.hugin) is 
OutputFilename=%projectname=%firstimage - %lastimage

Using hugin_executor --prefix fixes this. (Committed)

thanks again, cu Andreas
`What a good friend you are to him, Dr. Maturin. His other friends are
so grateful to you.'
`I sew his ears on from time to time, sure'

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