[Pkg-phototools-devel] libexif-gtk/0.4.0-2

Hugh McMaster hugh.mcmaster at outlook.com
Sun Apr 29 14:14:14 BST 2018

On Sunday, 29 April 2018 10:11 PM, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> Nitpick (nice to have, no reason for a new upload on its own):
> This changelog entry threw me, I was searching in vain for a related
> source change.  "Rebuild against newer newer pango fixes dependency on
> transitional package  (Closes: #865170)." would be a better.

Yes, I agree. Your version explains the concept far better.

> 0.4.0-1 says "Switch to LGPL-2.1+ for libexif-gtk 0.4.0.". Is this
> correct? While COPYING contains a copy of LGPL-2.1 only a single c/h
> file (gtk-exif-util.h) has this license in its copyright header.

The po files and tests/test-libexif-gtk.c are also licensed under LGPL-2.1.
I see your point, though. The other files are LGPL-2. However, all of those
files have "either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version"
written in them, which would be okay.

Having said that, it may be better to fix d/copyright to account for the
mixed LGPL-2/2.1 files. What do you think? It's no problem for me to do.



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