[Pkg-phototools-devel] Bug#918050: iv doesn't do anything

Yuri D'Elia wavexx at thregr.org
Thu Jan 3 19:25:50 GMT 2019

On Thu, Jan 03 2019, Matteo F. Vescovi wrote:
>> Nothing else is displayed/shown.
>> Admittedly, I never cared enough to report.
> It works just fine here. See attached image.
> Please, provide more context to address the issue.

I really have no idea here of any possible cause.
Is iv qt or gtk? qt with a glib main loop?

If you have a couple of ideas I can try to narrow down the issue,
otherwise I really don't care enough to debug it. I'm just reporting the
finding here. It used to work, but not anymore.

I tried on a new user (to ensure there is _no_ customization), but it
does the same. This is debian unstable, without any DE (just openbox).

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