[Pkg-phototools-devel] New package of Darktable

David Bremner david at tethera.net
Wed Mar 27 11:07:23 GMT 2019

Michael Rasmussen <mir at datanom.net> writes:

> Hi Maintainers,
> Current released version of Darktable is 2.6.2 and the version in
> Debian is 2.6.0 so may I ask when we can expect to see a package in
> Debian of the current release?

In the future, please file a wishlist bug for new versions of Debian
packages, it has less chance of being lost. As you might know, we're
currently in the buster freeze, so any new version would target
experimental. If there is a specific bug affecting your use of
darktable, please file a seperate bug with an appropriate severity
(probably normal). That will help me prioritize packaging a new version
and/or backporting the changes.


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