[pkg-php-pear] php-xml-beautifier

Mathias Ertl mati at fsinf.at
Mon Mar 19 16:58:17 UTC 2012

On 2012-03-19 11:35, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> On 03/19/2012 04:20 AM, Mathias Ertl wrote:
>> Hmm, I'm not sure I understand. Output may break my package, but the bug
>> is in php-xml-parser, not my package - right? I am not sure there is
>> anything I can do to fix the issue.
> Well, sure the issue isn't in your package, but what if this renders
> your package not usable at all? We all need to have a look into the
> issue, and I'd appreciate if you were as well.

You are of course right that it might render my (and other) packages
unusable. I was just not sure if you were telling me to look into
php-xml-beautifier on that.

> I know how to fix the double definition of the constructor, that's an
> easy one. I'm less sure for the Pear::RaiseError() thing. Do you know?
> Maybe you know where to find some docs?

I will research the issue.

>> I did the examples found in /usr/share/doc/php-xml-beautifier/examples
>> and they seemed find. The example*.php scripts do print warnings, but
>> the resulting xml-files are valid.
> What warning did you see? Again, warning *must* be fixed for packages
> that are producing XML documents.

All where PHP Strict Standards messages, like

"PHP Strict Standards:  Non-static method XML_Util::replaceEntities()
should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible
context in /usr/share/php/XML/Util.php on line 419"

Most warnings where in that file, which belongs to php-pear. A few
select messages where in files belonging to xml-beautifier, for which I
will write a patch (and report upstream).

>> I am more than happy to maintain my packages there. My last request to
>> join there has been ignored. Please sign me up!
> I just added you with the "PEAR Packager" rights. Please upload your Git
> repository to /git/pkg-php. Note that I've written a small script for that:
> http://thomas.goirand.fr/blog/
> The important bit is the one that is giving group access rights to the
> Git repository (eg: find /git/${DEST_PROJECT}/${PKG_NAME}.git -exec
> chmod g+w {} \\;").
> Others pointed out that it's better to push each individual branches
> rather than uploading a tarball including all branches, but frankly, I
> don't think it's very important. It does work very well at least.

Is it not possible to just configure the alioth repo as a remote and do
git push?

> On 03/19/2012 04:31 AM, Mathias Ertl wrote:
>> On 2012-03-18 16:48, Thomas Goirand wrote:
>>> Also, when testing it, it always removed the XML header of the XML
>>> documents:
>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
>>> I don't think that's right. Can you have a look into this issue?
>> I don't think either. I found this bugreport:
>> 	http://pear.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=5450
>> ... that unfortunately does not have a fix included. I am unsure how to
>> progress with this issue?
> Well, we got to fix this before the upload. Also, remember that, at
> least for simple stuff like PEAR packages, it's our duty as maintainers
> to fix issues in the packages we maintain.
> If it's *yet another* issue in php-xml-parser, then we should both focus
> on fixing it. This XML_Parser package is really badly maintained, yet a
> lot of other PEAR packages depend on it. I will see if it is possible to
> register as a contributor and fix it directly upstream.

This also relates to the recent RFH on this list: Its not the package,
its the whole PHP eco-system (not just on Debian, in general!) thats
badly maintained :-(

I will try to find a fix for this issue.

> Does anyone (you included, Mathias) know about the process of upstream
> maintenance of PEAR packages? Is there an upstream Git or something?

No. I considered making a PHP library into a PEAR package but refrained
from doing it because of they only let you choose from a very
restrictive set of licenses.

greetings, Mati

twitter: @mathiasertl | soup: http://soup.er.tl | xing: Mathias Ertl
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