[pkg-php-pear] RFS - php-codecoverage

Luis Uribe acme at eviled.org
Wed Sep 5 19:27:49 UTC 2012

Hi Thomas,

Could you please check and upload this new version of php-codecoverage package?
It includes a patch to remove highcharts.js references (you already remove the
file from the package) in order to fix 684280. There is a README.Debian file 
with this information in the package too.

I'm uploading it to unstable and asking for an unblock because the package 
becomes unusable, as told in the bug.

This is the .dsc link from mentors.d.o, and package is lintian clean:



php-codecoverage (1.1.2-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/patches
    - Adding remove_highcharts.diff to remove highcharts.js from html
    generated report (Closes: #684280).
  * README.Debian
    - Adding file

 -- Luis Uribe <acme at eviled.org>  Wed, 05 Sep 2012 13:37:45 -0500

Luis Uribe
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