[pkg-php-pear] Bug#711484: Composer support

Mathieu Parent math.parent at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 08:08:51 UTC 2013

Package: pkg-php-tools
Version: 1.6

As discussed on the ML [1], Composer "Dependency Manager for PHP " [2]
seems to get some audience, pkg-php-tools can be improved to support
its format.

Two different solutions:
- use Composer API [3] (this requires packaging it)
- parse the composer.json file directly

- add a dh_phpcomposer translating included infos to substvars
(name, description, converting composer dependencies to Debian ones, ...)
- add a debhelper buildsystem "phpcomposer.pm"

[1]: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-php-pear/2013-June/001167.html
[2]: http://getcomposer.org/
[3]: http://getcomposer.org/apidoc/master/index.html

Mathieu Parent

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