[pkg-php-pear] Should update our document

Thomas Goirand zigo at debian.org
Sat Jun 29 17:22:39 UTC 2013

On 06/29/2013 02:40 PM, Prach Pongpanich wrote:
> Dear all,
> The list of links, need to update them.
> [...]
> <http://wiki.debian.org/GregoryColpart/PearPolicyDraft>

This one is very bad, the example uses CDBS which almost everyone has
dropped, and is giving wrong advices. Copying what's in
http://pkg-php.alioth.debian.org/ to replace that would be a good idea
(and probably, kill http://pkg-php.alioth.debian.org/). I have no time
for it, if you do, that'd be great. Giving an good example (as
exhaustive as the CDBS one, but using pkg-php-tools) would be great!

> [1] http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianPHPGroup

Wow! Reading this: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?pf=pkg-php (which
is listed there) and seeing how much packages we have in the Git, it
feels good! I clearly remember that a few years ago, when it was filled
with only a few packages (maybe a dozen...).

How much more work do we have to convert everything in Debian to
pkg-php-tools? Mathieu, do you still have your list of package (which
you sent to debian-devel at l.d.o) to be converted available somewhere?
Maybe a TODO list on a wiki page would help.



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