[pkg-php-pear] Bug#706980: RFS: php5-stomp - STOMP module

Mathieu Parent math.parent at gmail.com
Mon May 27 06:24:16 UTC 2013

2013/5/25 Thomas Goirand <zigo at debian.org>:
> On 05/24/2013 03:17 PM, Jonas Genannt wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have done packaging of php5-stomp module. It's available at git:
>>       http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb?p=pkg-php/php-stomp.git;a=summary
>> That package as yet one lintian warning:
>>       W: php5-stomp: hardening-no-fortify-functions   usr/lib/php5/20100525/stomp.so
>> But after reading  http://bugs.debian.org/673112 I think we can ignore
>> it. Should we create an lintian override file for it?
>> Can any DD please check the package?
> Hi,

Hi Thomas, hi Jonas,

> Now, your package doesn't seem to be using pkg-php-tools. Please do use
> it (eg: depend on it, and use it in your rules file). I will not sponsor
> any new package that isn't using it because of a valid reason. It is
> otherwise too hard to maintain in a consistent way. Note also that we
> believe using pkg-php-tools should be a release goal for the team.

Unfortunately, PECL support in pkg-php-tools is not ready (#706980).
Help is welcome:

I want a proper solution that run phpize and then let core debhelper
(Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::autoconf) do the usual
configure/make/make install (see [pecl-phpize]). This requires
changing the "sourcedir".

[pecl-phpize]: http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.pecl.phpize.php

> Besides this, you don't need to do a case in your postinst and postrm.
> if [ "${1}" = "configure" ] || [ "${1}" = "reconfigure" ] ; then
> is enough, IMO, if you don't use the other values (your script will be
> shorter, so easier to read). Checking for "unknown arguments" has very
> little value. Anyway, pkg-php-tools must be taking care of that, no? (I
> have never packaged nor reviewed PECL extensions... others may tell more
> about it)

Haven't thought about that, but yes: pkg-php-tools should add the
a2enmod/a2dismod snipset on PECL packages.




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