[pkg-php-pear] Bug#709975: Add set_sourcedir to Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem

Mathieu Parent math.parent at gmail.com
Mon May 27 08:29:42 UTC 2013

Package: debhelper
Version: 9.20130518
Severity: whishlist
X-Debbugs-CC: pkg-php-pear at lists.alioth.debian.org

Hi Joey,

For the pkg-php-tools [1] package, which enhance debhelper, I need to
change the sourcedir when building PECL [2] package.

[1]: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-php/pkg-php-tools.git;a=summary
[2]: http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.pecl.phpize.php

The wanted workflow on configure:
- set sourcedir to Foo-0.0.0
- phpize
- pass to parent Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::autoconf configure()
- set sourcedir back to top

The wanted workflow on build:
- set sourcedir to Foo-0.0.0
- pass to parent Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::autoconf build()
- set sourcedir back to top

The wanted workflow on install:
- set sourcedir to Foo-0.0.0
- pass to parent Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::autoconf install()
- set sourcedir back to top

Wanted API:
- push_sourcedir (with the same checks as in
- pop_sourcedir

- set_sourcedir (with the same checks as in

I'm open to any better solution.

Mathieu Parent

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