[pkg-php-pear] Bug#706980: Bug#706980: RFS: php5-stomp - STOMP module

Mathieu Parent math.parent at gmail.com
Tue May 28 10:16:01 UTC 2013

2013/5/28 Prach Pongpanich <prachpub at gmail.com>:
> On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 2:26 PM, Jonas Genannt
> <jonas.genannt at capi2name.de> wrote:
>> Hello,
>>> >>> Unfortunately, PECL support in pkg-php-tools is not ready
>>> >>> (#706980). Help is welcome:
>>> PECL support is now ready to be tested. It will come in experimental
>>> in a few minutes with pkg-php-tools 1.5.
>>> Please report any problem.
>> I have changed php5-stomp to new pkg-php-tools helper:
>>         http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-php/php-stomp.git
>> The only problem I have seen so far, is that
>> "${phppear:Debian-Depends}" has no content. So depends line for
>> php5-stomp is only:
>> Depends: libc6 (>= 2.14)
>> But it should also contain: phpapi-20100525

Works for me:
$ dpkg-deb --info ../build-area/php5-stomp_1.0.5-1_i386.deb
 nouveau paquet Debian, version 2.0.
 taille 30474 octets : archive de contrôle=1596 octets.
      35 octets,     1 lignes      conffiles
     522 octets,    14 lignes      control
    2400 octets,    29 lignes      md5sums
     113 octets,    10 lignes   *  postinst             #!/bin/sh
     136 octets,    10 lignes   *  prerm                #!/bin/sh
 Package: php5-stomp
 Source: php-stomp
 Version: 1.0.5-1
 Architecture: i386
 Maintainer: Debian PHP PEAR Maintainers <pkg-php-pear at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Installed-Size: 177
 Depends: libc6 (>= 2.4), php-pear (>= 1.4.0), php5 (>= 5.2.2),
 Section: web
 Priority: optional
 Homepage: http://pecl.php.net/package/stomp
 Description: stomp module for PHP 5
  This extension allows php applications to communicate with any
  Stomp compliant Message Brokers through easy object oriented and
  procedural interfaces.

What does this output?:
$ /usr/share/pkg-php-tools/scripts/phppkginfo -d debian_deps .
Depends: php5 (>= 5.2.2), php-pear (>= 1.4.0), phpapi-20100525+lfs

Maybe php 5.5 introduced some regression.

>> My depends line at d/control is:
>> Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ${phppear:Debian-Depends}
> I confirmed that (dh_phppear):
> dpkg-gencontrol: warning: Depends field of package php-oauth [1]:
> unknown substitution variable ${phppear:Debian-Depends}

Same questions.

> The binary package contain empty directory.
> /usr/share/php/.registry
> [1] http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-php/php-oauth.git
> Regrads,
>  Prach Pongpanich


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