[pkg-php-pear] Let's reconsider the way Symfony2 Components are packaged for Debian

Daniel Beyer dabe at deb.ymc.ch
Tue Aug 5 21:24:22 UTC 2014

On Sun, 2014-08-03 at 17:11 +0200, Daniel Beyer wrote:
>  (...)
> The next two things I plan to work on are:
> * Updating the wiki page [1], since there are some Suggests: and even (I
> think) some Depends: that are not found in Debian and are not yet
> mentioned there.

I'm done with that and it comes down to four missing packages:
* ocramius/proxy-manager
* propel/propel1
* doctrine/data-fixtures
* ircmaxell/password-compat

The wiki contains further details [1].

I see these options:
A) Package them (and delay symfony components).
B) Simply (at least for now) drop the two bridges and 
   remove the non-existing 'Suggests:'.
C) Some kind of combination of A) and B).
What do you think?

Additionally there is an issue with dh_composer generating a dependency
to a non existing package 'php-swiftmailer', but in Debian the package
is called 'libphp-swiftmailer'.
Is there some kind of override-mechanism in dh_phpcomopser for this? If
not, should I sed' this out in d/rules or is it possible to rename the
package libphp-swiftmailer in Debian? (BTW: I anyhow would vote for
renaming it to php-swiftmailer.)

> * Check the licensing of source.
I did not made any progress here, yet.


[1] https://wiki.debian.org/PHP/SymfonyComponents

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