[pkg-php-pear] phpunit comments
"David Prévot"
david at tilapin.org
Wed Feb 5 21:18:27 UTC 2014
> Hi Prach,
>>> Le 20/01/2014 12:10, Prach Pongpanich a écrit :
>>>> Could you please sponsor them?
>>>> [1] http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-php/phpunit.git
> the manpage could better be generated during the build process
> (you can have a look at the php-doctrine-dbal and doctrine packages).
Beware, this may get tricky: building within pbuilder (via gbp), the
manpage gets pretty scarce (I know I didn’t get it right either on the
first try with doctrine and doctrine-dbal either, and it looks like I
messed up with apigen now — yay, another stuff to fix):
$ MANWIDTH=72 man phpunit | cat
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Another thing that may be nice to have in the future (i.e., for a further
upstream update), would be to ship the upstream repository, as documented:
(I may point you to some package I maintain this way if needed. I always
try to do it when possible: among other goodies, it helps integrate patch
from a further upstream version, and also helps to prepare and forward
patch upstream.)
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