[pkg-php-pear] Let's reconsider the way Symfony2 Components are packaged for Debian

Daniel Beyer daniel.beyer at ymc.ch
Wed Jun 4 07:14:07 UTC 2014

Hi David,

On Mon, 2014-06-02 at 17:10 -0400, David Prévot wrote:
> [ Dropping the ITP for the review. ]
> Hi Daniel,
> > Le 29/05/2014 14:15, Daniel Beyer a écrit :
> >> I've pushed some initial packaging, which can be found at:
> >> http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-php/php-symfony.git;a=summary
> I had a quick look at the content of the debian/ directory, thanks for
> your work. Here are a few things that popped up (not all item may
> deserve to be acted upon, but I’d like if you could share your rationale
> if you don’t wish to do so). Do not hesitate to ask for clarifications
> of what follows.

Thanks for that. Please note that I dropped the repository
pkg-php/php-symfony.git and put a completely new one up at:

Main reason for dropping the old one was the tracking of upstream's git

> Some general thoughts :
> - You may wish to name the source package simply “symfony”.

> - You may wish to also track the upstream Git repository:
> http://honk.sigxcpu.org/projects/git-buildpackage/manual-html/gbp.import.html#GBP.IMPORT.UPSTREAM.GIT.TARBALL

> - You may follow the default upstream/master gbp branch naming and
> ignore the specific upstream-$suite/debian-$suite that doesn’t give any
> gain TTBOMK (and yes, I know this is advised by the current team policy
> for PEAR packages).
Done. And yes I followed that team policy as found on php.debian.net. In
future, there might be needs for separate Debian-branches, but I think
it's okay to add them on a per need basis at that time (and name them as
recommended by git-buildpackage, which also is a bit different from the
team policies).

> - There might be files that need to be stripped away from the upstream
> tarball (e.g., sourceless Windows specific-files): php-symfony-console
> has a +dfsg version.
Done. It's only the one .exe shipped with symfony/console. I used the
d/copyright "Files-Excluded:"-feature for that. How to deal with it can
be found in d/README.source.

> Some initial remarks:
> - Please, do not start synopsis with an uppercase:
> https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/best-pkging-practices.html#bpp-pkg-synopsis

> - The first php-symfony-components metapackage may be simply renamed as
> “symfony” and should be in section “metapackages”.
Done. However I'm still not sure if this metapackage is needed at all.

> - You should keep a common part at the end of the long description, as
> was done in most current php-symfony-* packages.

> - Please, don’t use “php” nor “psr-0” in text, prefer the accurate
> uppercase “PHP” and “PSR-0” versions.

> - Please, don’t use “MIT” as license name, but Expat:
> https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/#license-specification

> - Please, consider distributing the packaging with the same license as
> upstream.
Done. Expat/MIT is as fine for me as GPL-3+ :-)

> - The hard-coded export-dir in packages’ gbp.conf breaks many tools
> (e.g., debi) and forces a workflow not shared by everyone, please
> consider adding it to your own ~/.gbp.conf instead (and yes, I know this
> is another advice you may have followed from the team policy).
Done. And yes, an other one I followed as found on php.debian.net.

> - I’ve not dug up into the complex d/rules yet, but you may use d/tmp
> instead of d/build that will not need an override_dh_auto_clean. I like
> the idea and the intent of d/rules, but adding some comments may help
> the review and the hacking.
I put some comments in there. Not sure if that's enough to make the
logic in there comprehensible.

> - d/watch may be explicit about the 2.3 branch you intend to track.

I'll be kind of unresponsive the rest of the week but plan to add the
remaining components to d/control until Monday.

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