[pkg-php-pear] Bug#744876: Process isolation broken with 4.2.6-1

Daniel Beyer dabe at deb.ymc.ch
Thu Oct 2 11:17:06 UTC 2014

Hi Prach,

while trying out phpunit4 (4.2.6-1 from experimental) with src:symfony
(which currently is pending in NEW), I found out that it is not possible
to run tests in separate process (some tests in Symfony are using the
@runTestsInSeparateProcesses annotation).
This also happens if phpunit is started with '--process-isolation'

The problem is that d/p/0001-Remove-Composer-autoload.patch is removing
the constant 'PHPUNIT_COMPOSER_INSTALL'. But this constant is needed to
have a working autoloading in separate processes (and without a working
autoloading phpunit fails with some 'Class XYZ not found' PHP Fatal

I updated d/p/0001-Remove-Composer-autoload.patch and pushed the changes
in a new branch fix-autoloading-in-separate-process [1]. This branch is
based against current master (f3d45f4). The actual fix (a4ff834)[2] is
rather trivial.


[1] http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-php/phpunit.git/?h=fix-autoloading-in-separate-process
[2] http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-php/phpunit.git/commit/?h=fix-autoloading-in-separate-process&id=a4ff834a7f3ce375e0b5d4399806bad8fd70e6b3

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