[pkg-php-pear] src:symfony status

David Prévot david at tilapin.org
Wed Oct 15 03:00:52 UTC 2014

Hi ftpmasters,

Not so long ago, we uploaded a big src:symfony package that builds many
php-symfony-* binary packages. We’d like to know if you will be able to
finish reviewing it before the freeze.

On one hand, it arrived late. Sorry about that, but it was a piece of
work that needed changes in our usual build helper, and it’s not the
usual php-* package we’re use to submit. On the other hand, it allows to
have a consistent handling of all those php-symfony-* packages.

If you believe you won’t be able to review src:symfony in time for the
freeze, please let us know: upstream released 2.3.20 in the meantime,
and we’d thus like to upload up-to-date packages before the freeze. If
you can let src:symfony 2.3.19 threw, that’s fine, and we’ll then upload
a 2.3.20 version (ready in Git) after that. If not, we’ll update the
seven standalone php-symfony-* packages ASAP, but we will also need to
update src:symfony to 2.3.20 in NEW to keep the upgrade path. Since we
don’t want to come in your way if you already started reviewing
src:symfony 2.3.19, we’d prefer to ask for advice now.

Thanks in advance for your reply.



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