[pkg-php-pear] What is needed for tests? (was: Let's reconsider the way Symfony2 Components are packaged for Debian)

"David Prévot" david at tilapin.org
Sun Sep 21 15:51:51 UTC 2014


> Only one thing now is blocking the tests from being run during build out
> of the box, namely BTS #762095 [1].

JFTR, I don’t believe it’s a blocker to upload Symfony (i.e., as a
potential sponsor, I’m fine building the symfony package using a locally
patched version of phpunit-mock-object, since I trust that the fix will
make it soon enough into the archive, before the Freeze, and probably even
before symfony gets out of NEW anyway – I’m fine doing a team upload of
phpunit-mock-object at some point to ensure the above anyway ;).

In other words, Daniel, do not consider any third party stuff, especially
handled within the PHP PEAR Maintainers team, to be a blocker for the
symfony upload (i.e., do not hesitate to say “it’s ready” when it is,
documenting the third party stuff that need to be handled as you are doing
should be enough).

Another third party stuff to handle, is the circular dependency with
php-symfony-icu, for which I just pushed a fix (dropping the dependency on
php-symfony-intl). I’m also fine with using a patched version of
php-symfony-icu to build symfony (and intend to upload it in coordination
with symfony).



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