[pkg-php-pear] php-codesniffer_2.0.0~rc2-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental

Debian FTP Masters ftpmaster at ftp-master.debian.org
Fri Sep 26 18:34:16 UTC 2014


Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 13:56:12 -0400
Source: php-codesniffer
Binary: php-codesniffer
Architecture: source all
Version: 2.0.0~rc2-1
Distribution: experimental
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian PHP PEAR Maintainers <pkg-php-pear at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: David Prévot <taffit at debian.org>
 php-codesniffer - PHP, CSS and JavaScript coding standard analyzer and checker
 php-codesniffer (2.0.0~rc2-1) experimental; urgency=medium
   [ Greg Sherwood ]
   * Improved closure support in Generic ScopeIndentSniff
   * Improved indented PHP tag support in Generic ScopeIndentSniff
   * Standards can now be located within hidden directories
     (further fix for bug #20323)
   * Fixed incorrect length of JS object operator tokens
   * Exclude patterns now use backticks and work the same for files and sniffs
   * Squiz ConcatenationSpacingSniff now has a setting to specify how many
     spaces there should around concat operators
   * Fixed bug #20373 : Inline comment sniff tab handling way
   * Added fixes for the Squiz InlineCommentSniff
   * Fixed bug #20378 : Report appended to existing file if no errors
     found in run
   * Fixed bug #20377 : Error when trying to execute phpcs with report=json
   * Generic DocCommentSniff now correctly fixes additional blank lines at
     the end of a comment
   * Fixed bug #20381 : Invalid "Comment closer must be on a new line"
   * Squiz OperatorBracketSniff now correctly fixes operations that
     include arrays
   * Zend ClosingTagSniff fix now correctly leaves closing tags when
     followed by HTML
   * Fixed bug #243 : Missing DocBlock not detected
   * PHP tokenizer no longer converts class/function names to special
     tokens types
   * Squiz and PEAR FunctionCommentSnif now support _()
   * PEAR ValidFunctionNameSniff no longer throws an error for _()
   * Fixed bug #248 : FunctionCommentSniff expects ampersand on param name
   * Fixed bug #248 in Squiz sniff as well
   * Fixed bug #20402 : SVN pre-commit hook fails due to unknown argument error
   * Minified JS and CSS files are now detected and skipped
     (fixes bug #252 and bug #19899)
   * Generic DisallowTabIndentSniff now checks for, and fixes,
     mixed indents again
   * Improved fixing of mixed line indents in Generic ScopeIndentSniff
   * PHPCS can now exit with 0 if only warnings were found (request #262)
   * Generic ForbiddenFunctionsSniff now has a public property called
     forbiddenFunctions (request #263)
   * Prepare for 1.5.5 release
   [ Alexey ]
   * Allowed sigle undersored methods and functions
   [ Klaus Purer ]
   * Fixed sniff registration when a hidden directory appears in the path.
   [ Alexander Obuhovich ]
   * Error converted to warning lost it's $fixable flag
   * Adding sniff to verify that only one trait is defined per file
   [ Emily ]
   * Added var_dump to discouraged functions sniff
   [ Blaine Schmeisser ]
   * Add build in PHP syntax check on files.
   [ David Prévot ]
   * Revert "Add XS-Testsuite still needed for ci.d.n"
   * Add self to uploaders
   * Bump standards version to 3.9.6
   * Explicit Git branch in d/control
 11bff53434a2c159c3b1db9477ad11785edb7637 2174 php-codesniffer_2.0.0~rc2-1.dsc
 7312d6eddcc108859fb13e03f0ebb6e326fb4554 430551 php-codesniffer_2.0.0~rc2.orig.tar.gz
 0f95e01d96f35deacb0a12ebd3e609e9f29a0159 8020 php-codesniffer_2.0.0~rc2-1.debian.tar.xz
 9534a85b6a94f7593091672458c581d5f4144eea 386260 php-codesniffer_2.0.0~rc2-1_all.deb
 5f54f44aef53bbb141894c2067bc5afbcafcaf354c724e603f4a30abd99087b2 2174 php-codesniffer_2.0.0~rc2-1.dsc
 194e3b25f9eb9f2e3445bc752e13ad42cc46df19f3d9b67be7cbdcc7448a36b2 430551 php-codesniffer_2.0.0~rc2.orig.tar.gz
 9e064df600c125a33d61ec5852ec4e05dd11c30203fcf70df19091168379d82d 8020 php-codesniffer_2.0.0~rc2-1.debian.tar.xz
 84d5097631330bb2d6728cb159f5b6ff43c1e100e69db63e150bcec244d3d422 386260 php-codesniffer_2.0.0~rc2-1_all.deb
 7a6d63d4060f0f4969fec70db3bc79e9 386260 php optional php-codesniffer_2.0.0~rc2-1_all.deb
 4aa00c9e719da97ac41e96cda762d518 2174 php optional php-codesniffer_2.0.0~rc2-1.dsc
 5039a14a66cf94107e91241e5813f3c3 430551 php optional php-codesniffer_2.0.0~rc2.orig.tar.gz
 c285ab2533351d472ee665de1eee1e5e 8020 php optional php-codesniffer_2.0.0~rc2-1.debian.tar.xz

Version: GnuPG v1


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