[pkg-php-pear] [php-maint] PHP 7.0.0 packages are here

Daniel Beyer dabe at deb.ymc.ch
Sat Dec 5 18:27:11 UTC 2015


On Fri, 2015-12-04 at 16:29 +0100, Ondřej Surý wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 4, 2015, at 16:25, Mathieu Parent wrote:
> > I propose using the same scheme as Fedora, but all lowercase.
> > 
> > [1]: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:PHP#Naming_scheme
> This sounds like a fine idea!
> Bunch of transitional packages and extra work, but I think this is worth
> the effort.

The Fedora naming scheme does not solve the naming issue we have with
twig, since the twig "C extension" neither is distributed over pecl nor
composer. As of today the only working way seems to be building it from
source [1]. It is the same with todays php5-symfony-debug (vs.

Currently the distinction in those case clearly is:
php5-* -> php extension
php-*  -> php code

Thus may I propose something like replacing php5-* with php-ext-*,
resulting in e.g.:
php-ext-twig (replacing today's php5-twig)
php-ext-symfony-debug (replacing today's php5-symfony-debug)
php-ext-curl (replacing today's php5-curl)

Regarding the Fedora naming scheme, please note that if we strictly
follow this, we will end up with Debian packages like:

php-phpunit (today: phpunit)
php-phpunit-phpunit-mock-objects (today: phpunit-mock-object)
php-phpunit-php-code-coverage (today: php-codecoverage)
php-sebastian-environment (today: phpunit-environment)
php-phpunit-php-timer (today: php-timer)

I'm undecided whether I like this or not.

* Guessing the Debian package name from the composer name is easy.
* We might no longer need pkg-php-tools-overrides (see e.g. [2])

* Kind of unhandsome package names in Debian
* Renaming in the composer world (vendor and/or library) sometimes 
  happens. Since we most likely will not change the package names
  in Debian's stable distribution, this might become confusing or
  even problematic.

I have one more concern regarding the Fedora naming scheme:
In my opinion it does not make much sense to have pecl or pear in the
package name. If the source really matters, why does Fedora omit it for
composer and "Other packages"? I rather would like to see a distinction
between php C extension packages and php (library) code packages, as I
already mentioned above (and as we have it today with php5-* and php-*).


[1] http://twig.sensiolabs.org/doc/installation.html#installing-the-c-extension
[2] http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-php/phpunit.git/tree/debian/pkg-php-tools-overrides

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