[pkg-php-pear] My Intro to join php team

Bhuvan Krishna bhuvan at swecha.net
Thu Dec 31 14:42:48 UTC 2015

Dear Team,

* I am Bhuvan Krishna from Hyderabad (Telangana, India).

* Volunteer, Hactivist and FreeSoftware supporter working in Swecha

* Took several seminars and talks on basics of Debian and GNU/Linux in

* Debian user for 13 years now and worked on various initiatives to
promote Debian and Free Software.

* Worked on distros based on debian namely Swecha OS (Telugu OS),
e-Swecha OS (OS which has software required for students and
professionals from various engineering colleges, balaswecha OS (OS for
school education which maps school curriculum to various tools and
applications). These are not Debian pure blends but we worked with
debian live build aka live helper to build live/install versions of the

* Currently working with FreedomBox team and helping to port app's to
FreedomBox. With sunilmohan I worked on integrating mumble to FreedomBox.

* Started packaging gnusocial. I created package with some lintian
errors and fixed most of them, there are still some lintian errors that
needs to be fixed and I am on it. #782812

* Working on integrating Dispora to FreedomBox.

I request php team to accept me as one of the team member. I will
contribute as much as I can.

If you want to know more about me please let me know.

Thanks & Regards,
Bhuvan Krishna

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