[pkg-php-pear] New Symfony 2.8 and 3.0: what about Stretch?

Daniel Beyer dabe at deb.ymc.ch
Tue Nov 17 10:27:12 UTC 2015


Am Montag, den 16.11.2015, 23:13 -0400 schrieb "David Prévot":
> Hi Daniel and all,
> With the beta release of 2.8 and 3.0 just published, I was wondering about
> the version that will be shipped with Stretch.
> 2.8 (as 2.7) is an LTS version, supported until Nov 2019 (2.7 will be
> supported until May 2019). 3.0, on the other hand, will only be supported
> until Jan 2017, and the following LTS version should be 3.3, but will only
> be released on May 2017, i.e., after the freeze began.
> I guess we should then target 2.8 (or eventually 2.7 if there is a good
> reason not to bring 2.8) for Stretch, so we could start working on 2.8,
> and target experimental for the time being.
> Once 2.8 will be ready and uploaded to Sid, we could start working on the
> 3. branch, and release that in experimental, but that shouldn't be our
> first priority (WRT to the upcoming Stretch release).
> Does that sound OK, or did I miss something ?

That is perfectly okay to me. So we focus on 2.8 for Stretch, since 3.3
sadly (most likely) won't be ready before the Stretch freeze [1] and
play around with 3.x in experimental (once we have 2.8 in sid).


[1] http://symfony.com/doc/current/contributing/community/releases.html#long-term-support-versions

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