[pkg-php-pear] symfony_2.7.5+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

Debian FTP Masters ftpmaster at ftp-master.debian.org
Sat Oct 3 03:20:28 UTC 2015


Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Fri, 02 Oct 2015 20:41:11 -0400
Source: symfony
Binary: php-symfony-asset php-symfony-browser-kit php-symfony-class-loader php-symfony-config php-symfony-console php-symfony-css-selector php-symfony-debug php-symfony-dependency-injection php-symfony-dom-crawler php-symfony-event-dispatcher php-symfony-expression-language php-symfony-filesystem php-symfony-finder php-symfony-form php-symfony-http-foundation php-symfony-http-kernel php-symfony-intl php-symfony-locale php-symfony-options-resolver php-symfony-process php-symfony-property-access php-symfony-routing php-symfony-security php-symfony-serializer php-symfony-stopwatch php-symfony-templating php-symfony-translation php-symfony-validator php-symfony-var-dumper php-symfony-yaml php-symfony-doctrine-bridge php-symfony-monolog-bridge php-symfony-phpunit-bridge php-symfony-proxy-manager-bridge php-symfony-swiftmailer-bridge php-symfony-twig-bridge php-symfony-debug-bundle php-symfony-framework-bundle php-symfony-security-bundle php-symfony-twig-bundle
Architecture: source
Version: 2.7.5+dfsg-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian PHP PEAR Maintainers <pkg-php-pear at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: Daniel Beyer <dabe at deb.ymc.ch>
 php-symfony-asset - manage asset URLs
 php-symfony-browser-kit - simulate the behavior of a web browser
 php-symfony-class-loader - load PHP classes automatically
 php-symfony-config - load configurations from different data sources
 php-symfony-console - run tasks from the command line
 php-symfony-css-selector - convert CSS selectors to XPath expressions
 php-symfony-debug - tools to make debugging of PHP code easier
 php-symfony-debug-bundle - debugging tools for the Symfony framework
 php-symfony-dependency-injection - standardize and centralize construction of objects
 php-symfony-doctrine-bridge - integration for Doctrine with Symfony Components
 php-symfony-dom-crawler - ease DOM navigation for HTML and XML documents
 php-symfony-event-dispatcher - dispatch events and listen to them
 php-symfony-expression-language - compile and evaluate expressions
 php-symfony-filesystem - basic filesystem utilities
 php-symfony-finder - find files and directories
 php-symfony-form - create HTML forms and process request data
 php-symfony-framework-bundle - basic, robust and flexible MVC framework
 php-symfony-http-foundation - object-oriented layer for the HTTP specification
 php-symfony-http-kernel - building blocks for flexible and fast HTTP-based frameworks
 php-symfony-intl - limited replacement layer for the PHP extension intl
 php-symfony-locale - deprecated replacement layer for the PHP extension intl
 php-symfony-monolog-bridge - integration for Monolog with Symfony Components
 php-symfony-options-resolver - configure objects with option arrays
 php-symfony-phpunit-bridge - integration for PHPUnit with Symfony Components
 php-symfony-process - execute commands in sub-processes
 php-symfony-property-access - read from and write to an object or array
 php-symfony-proxy-manager-bridge - integration for ProxyManager with Symfony Components
 php-symfony-routing - associate a request with code that generates a response
 php-symfony-security - infrastructure for sophisticated authorization systems
 php-symfony-security-bundle - configurable security system for the Symfony framework
 php-symfony-serializer - convert PHP objects into specific formats and vice versa
 php-symfony-stopwatch - profile PHP code
 php-symfony-swiftmailer-bridge - integration for Swift Mailer with Symfony Components
 php-symfony-templating - tools needed to build a template system
 php-symfony-translation - tools to internationalize an application
 php-symfony-twig-bridge - integration for Twig with Symfony Components
 php-symfony-twig-bundle - configurable integration of Twig with the Symfony framework
 php-symfony-validator - tools to validate classes
 php-symfony-var-dumper - ${phpcomposer:description}
 php-symfony-web-profiler-bundle - collect requests information for analysis and debugging
 php-symfony-yaml - convert YAML to PHP arrays and the other way around
 php5-symfony-debug - Symfony debug extension
 symfony (2.7.5+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Fabien Potencier ]
   * updated VERSION for 2.7.5
   [ David Prévot ]
   * debian/control:
     - Drop now useless transitional dummy packages
       (php-symfony-classloader and php-symfony-eventdispatcher)
     - php5-mongo makes the tests fail, since it requires a set up
       MongoDB server
   * debian/test/control: Add missing php-doctrine-data-fixtures
     dependency for CI
   [ Daniel Beyer ]
   * Correct incomplete autoloading for php-symfony-asset
   * Run tests parallel during build time, similar to how upstream does it
   * Run DEP-8 (as-installed) tests parallel, similar to how upstream does it
   * Remove prefixed 'NNNN-'-numbering for Debian patches
   * Use a simplistic vendor/autoload.php to run tests during build time.
     This is to make sure we use the autoload.php files generated by phpab
     and additionally eliminates the need to generate a vendor/autoload.php
     using phpab during build time. Instead we use now use a symbolic link
     for vendor/autoload.php pointing to debian/autoload.build.php.
   * Include tests in autoload.php files generated by phpab
   * Use a simplistic vendor/autoload.php for DEP-8 (as-installed) tests.
     This ensures we use the autoload.php files generated by phpab during
     DEP-8 (as-installed) test. Additionally we no longer need to generate
     a vendor/autoload.php using phpab. Instead we now simply use a symbolic
     link for vendor/autoload.php pointing to debian/autoload.DEP-8.php.
   * Add new patch fixing wrong autoloader detection used by some tests
     - FrameworkBundle-SecurityBundle-Don-t-try-to-include-.patch
   * Drop temporary workaround patch (no longer needed)
     - Temporary-workaround.patch
   * Update patch to skip additional tests needing network
     - group-online-for-test-failing-without-network.patch
   * Add new patch to skip broken tests in the Process component
     - Skip-broken-tests-in-Process-component.patch
   * Provide missing meta.json for php-symfony-intl
 e5842a30e4e81e577aed123594b427620b56e57b 5255 symfony_2.7.5+dfsg-1.dsc
 aaa8b6c31caba31183a0def92d94e20efbf559cc 3803322 symfony_2.7.5+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
 717f9855fb0ec6bfbd1857a4092dcfd7175cd6f9 37232 symfony_2.7.5+dfsg-1.debian.tar.xz
 bc455cd3f791836b44955b6477b2259e763abff55aac89f74420f2b7216c2ac0 5255 symfony_2.7.5+dfsg-1.dsc
 e95ebb0ff41b193f3720c2a1e675f2a4876966428685241c4dd0cec33c2cf844 3803322 symfony_2.7.5+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
 2168a1410a3e4811f2a2198cb264b9e4652030b57156b1e58a000dff7c487ff8 37232 symfony_2.7.5+dfsg-1.debian.tar.xz
 dfe38ee1bad08d18a7ac6e203fa86309 5255 php optional symfony_2.7.5+dfsg-1.dsc
 27ead73bf7537cdb8a2926f3289a1dcb 3803322 php optional symfony_2.7.5+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
 519f8a40f137182c49e9c7e622947035 37232 php optional symfony_2.7.5+dfsg-1.debian.tar.xz

Version: GnuPG v1


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