[pkg-php-pear] General questions about the team

Bhuvan Krishna bhuvan at swecha.net
Sun Jan 3 11:06:04 UTC 2016

Dear Team,

I am working on php-htmlawed and php-mf2 packages the later has been
accepted and the first one is getting reviewed by Mattia Rizzolo who is
helping me to get the packages to debian. I have few questions regarding

1. How to move the package which I am maintaining to pkg-php?

2. Are there any more manuals or tips for packaging php other these?
    - https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianPHPGroup
    - pkg-php.alioth.debian.org

3. In case of guidance were can I first go?

4. Does pkg-php team has periodic review of the work or a quick catchup
in irc or anything similar?

5. I see only 2 messages in #debian-php both by me. So does the team
hangout in irc anytime?


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