[pkg-php-pear] symfony_2.8.7+dfsg-1.3_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

Debian FTP Masters ftpmaster at ftp-master.debian.org
Sat May 27 21:09:00 UTC 2017


Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Sat, 27 May 2017 20:39:09 +0100
Source: symfony
Binary: php-symfony php-symfony-asset php-symfony-browser-kit php-symfony-class-loader php-symfony-config php-symfony-console php-symfony-css-selector php-symfony-debug php-symfony-dependency-injection php-symfony-dom-crawler php-symfony-event-dispatcher php-symfony-expression-language php-symfony-filesystem php-symfony-finder php-symfony-form php-symfony-http-foundation php-symfony-http-kernel php-symfony-intl php-symfony-ldap php-symfony-locale php-symfony-options-resolver php-symfony-process php-symfony-property-access php-symfony-property-info php-symfony-routing php-symfony-security php-symfony-security-core php-symfony-security-csrf php-symfony-security-guard php-symfony-security-http php-symfony-serializer php-symfony-stopwatch php-symfony-templating php-symfony-translation php-symfony-validator php-symfony-var-dumper php-symfony-yaml php-symfony-doctrine-bridge php-symfony-monolog-bridge php-symfony-phpunit-bridge php-symfony-proxy-manager-bridge
 php-symfony-swiftmailer-bridge php-symfony-twig-bridge php-symfony-debug-bundle php-symfony-framework-bundle php-symfony-security-bundle php-symfony-twig-bundle
Architecture: source
Version: 2.8.7+dfsg-1.3
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian PHP PEAR Maintainers <pkg-php-pear at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: James Clarke <jrtc27 at debian.org>
Closes: 863493
 php-symfony-asset - manage asset URLs
 php-symfony-browser-kit - simulate the behavior of a web browser
 php-symfony-class-loader - load PHP classes automatically
 php-symfony-config - load configurations from different data sources
 php-symfony-console - run tasks from the command line
 php-symfony-css-selector - convert CSS selectors to XPath expressions
 php-symfony-debug-bundle - debugging tools for the Symfony framework
 php-symfony-debug - tools to make debugging of PHP code easier
 php-symfony-dependency-injection - standardize and centralize construction of objects
 php-symfony-doctrine-bridge - integration for Doctrine with Symfony Components
 php-symfony-dom-crawler - ease DOM navigation for HTML and XML documents
 php-symfony-event-dispatcher - dispatch events and listen to them
 php-symfony-expression-language - compile and evaluate expressions
 php-symfony-filesystem - basic filesystem utilities
 php-symfony-finder - find files and directories
 php-symfony-form - create HTML forms and process request data
 php-symfony-framework-bundle - basic, robust and flexible MVC framework
 php-symfony-http-foundation - object-oriented layer for the HTTP specification
 php-symfony-http-kernel - building blocks for flexible and fast HTTP-based frameworks
 php-symfony-intl - limited replacement layer for the PHP extension intl
 php-symfony-ldap - abstraction layer for the PHP LDAP module
 php-symfony-locale - deprecated replacement layer for the PHP extension intl
 php-symfony-monolog-bridge - integration for Monolog with Symfony Components
 php-symfony-options-resolver - configure objects with option arrays
 php-symfony-phpunit-bridge - integration for PHPUnit with Symfony Components
 php-symfony-process - execute commands in sub-processes
 php-symfony-property-access - read from and write to an object or array
 php-symfony-property-info - extract information about properties of PHP classes
 php-symfony-proxy-manager-bridge - integration for ProxyManager with Symfony Components
 php-symfony-routing - associate a request with code that generates a response
 php-symfony-security-bundle - configurable security system for the Symfony framework
 php-symfony-security-core - infrastructure for authorization systems - common features
 php-symfony-security-csrf - infrastructure for authorization systems - CSRF protection
 php-symfony-security-guard - infrastructure for authorization systems - Guard features
 php-symfony-security-http - infrastructure for authorization systems - HTTP integration
 php-symfony-security - infrastructure for sophisticated authorization systems
 php-symfony-serializer - convert PHP objects into specific formats and vice versa
 php-symfony - set of reusable components and framework for web projects
 php-symfony-stopwatch - profile PHP code
 php-symfony-swiftmailer-bridge - integration for Swift Mailer with Symfony Components
 php-symfony-templating - tools needed to build a template system
 php-symfony-translation - tools to internationalize an application
 php-symfony-twig-bridge - integration for Twig with Symfony Components
 php-symfony-twig-bundle - configurable integration of Twig with the Symfony framework
 php-symfony-validator - tools to validate classes
 php-symfony-var-dumper - ${phpcomposer:description}
 php-symfony-web-profiler-bundle - collect requests information for analysis and debugging
 php-symfony-yaml - convert YAML to PHP arrays and the other way around
 symfony (2.8.7+dfsg-1.3) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Non-maintainer upload.
   * Backport additional upstream patches needed after PHP 7.0.18 upload
     (Closes: #863493):
     - [VarDumper] Relax tests to adapt for php 7.1rc4
     - [VarDumper] Relax line number for CliDumperTest
 65e04bda825fc2bf6a01eadd69c42f2c83f1493f 6763 symfony_2.8.7+dfsg-1.3.dsc
 01d5c869deeea5760827a43ea5d300e266788c95 37124 symfony_2.8.7+dfsg-1.3.debian.tar.xz
 2ef5c1d05c2c311f36d81dd43791314a53df6647 25567 symfony_2.8.7+dfsg-1.3_amd64.buildinfo
 bf1d676e186dd557c3608629e07e9bfda63999a7550281cd477e7822e4c94983 6763 symfony_2.8.7+dfsg-1.3.dsc
 d01a58a2d0462469e2bea0ae2d9583f8b4d8c6ebe132d14974f1830ac8aded22 37124 symfony_2.8.7+dfsg-1.3.debian.tar.xz
 90e8d07eca0170a1181f0d404b5594de3bc3301378a8a0e3e2b4bb67a7bd201f 25567 symfony_2.8.7+dfsg-1.3_amd64.buildinfo
 3021012bc040822fa0e55e3c65912036 6763 php optional symfony_2.8.7+dfsg-1.3.dsc
 063fd891d6e0ee250824a1c15dbcc051 37124 php optional symfony_2.8.7+dfsg-1.3.debian.tar.xz
 3b13e7e06c9b980ad45881e09889b2c8 25567 php optional symfony_2.8.7+dfsg-1.3_amd64.buildinfo



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