[pkg-php-pear] Bug#934913: Bug#934913: php-easyrdf: should maybe link with librdf0 and suggest/recommend raptor2-utils

Marco Villegas marco at marvil07.net
Fri Oct 11 02:54:16 BST 2019

Hi Jonas,

Thank you for reporting about this!

On Fri, 16 Aug 2019 15:40:17 +0200
Jonas wrote:
> Package: php-easyrdf
> Version: 0.9.1-3
> Severity: normal
> Hash: SHA512
> Hi Marco,
> Thanks for packaging EasyRdf!

It was definitely interesting!

> Upstream homepage http://www.easyrdf.org/ mentions optional support
> for redland binding and rapper.

Indeed, it seems to be supported, I tested it.

> Rapper is in binary package raptor2-utils.

Thanks for pointing that out

On rapper[1], I have added raptor2-utils as a suggested package.
I also added a related smoke test.

> Changelog for release 0.7.2 seems to indicate that upstream may have
> dropped support for Redland linkage (in which case it might make sense
> to suggest to them to remove their then wrong statement).

On redland[2], the php binding for the library, I see the binding is
not yet packaged on Debian; but it is nice to see there is support for
it on EasyRdf. I still see a related parser class for it,
lib/EasyRdf/Parser/Redland.php, so it probably works, but again the
dependency is not yet on Debian. If in the future it is packaged, a
change similar to the one I made for rapper can be done.

1: http://librdf.org/raptor/
2: http://librdf.org/docs/php.html

> Seems other tools are optionally used as well - including graphviz.
> Regards,
>  - Jonas


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