[pkg-php-pear] Bug#976815: Bug#976815: Bug#976815: php-monolog: FTBFS: ReflectionException: Class Egulias\EmailValidator\EmailValidator does not exist
David Prévot
David.Prevot at ac-martinique.fr
Wed Dec 9 13:23:37 GMT 2020
Control: tags -1 pending
Le 08/12/2020 à 16:22, Robin Gustafsson a écrit :
> This can be fixed by using SwiftMailer's new autoloader. That one will
> also load its dependencies.
> I have submitted a MR for this on Salsa [1].
Merged, thanks a lot. This experimental branch will probably not be part
of bullseye, so not sure when I’ll take care of uploading this fix
(maybe during the freeze). Anyway it’s staged.
FWIW, I usually (auto)generate d/changelog using gbp-dch(1), so just
using a “Closes:” tag in the git commit would have been enough (your way
is fine anyway).
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