[pkg-php-pear] Bug#976799: Bug#976799: Please update php-doctrine-inflector autoloader’s path

David Prévot taffit at debian.org
Wed Dec 9 22:41:09 GMT 2020

Hi Robin,

Le 08/12/2020 à 19:41, Robin Gustafsson a écrit :

>> Looks like you’ve made a nice script to generate the autoload.php files
>> for the binary packages! It would be awesome to make something like that
>> part of pkg-php-tools
> Sounds good to me! I'll look into contributing an improved/generalized
> version to pkg-php-tools when I find the time.

Great! Feel free to push a WIP branch when you’ll have something ready 
for us to test and eventually help with.

>> Could you please test that your packages work correctly with this patch
>> and the php-doctrine-inflector package from experimental?

> I've tested it now and it seems to be all good.
>> If all goes well, I intend to upload php-doctrine-[stuff] >> [from] experimental). It would be nice to have an updated
>> php-laravel-framework uploaded in sync too
> I'm fine with this. My ability to sync the upload is limited though as
> I cannot upload packages myself. If you have the time, you could
> upload this change too of course.

Sure, I’m happy to fix my mess ;). I’ll assume the repository on salsa 
is up to date and ready for upload (if not, please come back to me as 
soon as you can, hopefully before the weekend). As everything /seems/ 
ready, I hope to take care of the final bits of this 
php-doctrine-[stuff] update this weekend.



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