[pkg-php-pear] Updated SOA & Invoices

michelle.havari at trends.com michelle.havari at trends.com
Fri Mar 20 22:04:36 GMT 2020



Good day,


Please kindly find attached is the copies of updated SOAs & 
invoices for your perusal.


Thank you & kindly acknowledged once receipt.



Best Regards,


Michelle.Hevari|Accounts Receivable Officer

Trends PNG Limited|Niumi Distributors Ltd

P.O Box 3239, Boroko N.C.D, PNG

Phn| +[675] 325 3000|+[675] 323 9003  Fax| +[675] 325 5004

Mobile No.#| +[675] 7452 9002

Website| www.trends.com.pg

Email| michelle.havari at trends.com|trendhq at gmail.com 

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