[pkg-php-pear] RFS: php-arthurhoaro-web-thumbnailer

James Valleroy jvalleroy at mailbox.org
Thu May 21 13:29:35 BST 2020

On 5/20/20 2:09 PM, Robin Gustafsson wrote:
> - The "nocheck" condition in override_dh_auto_test is no longer
> necessary with debhelper-compat 13.
> - The "ln -s" workaround could perhaps be avoided with PHPUnit's
> --include-path option.
> - I would've expected test preparations (aforementioned workaround and
> generating vendor/autoload.php) to be performed in
> override_dh_auto_test.
> - Upstream's changelog could be installed in override_dh_installchangelogs.
> - gbp could be configured to handle the pristine-tar files and to sign its tags.

Hi Robin,

Thanks for the review. I have pushed the following changes:
- d/rules: Remove nocheck condition
- d/gbp.conf: Handle pristine-tar and sign tags
- d/rules: Use phpunit's --include-path to avoid workaround

I found that upstream's changelog is actually installed already as changelog.gz.

I kept the test preparations as they are for now.


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