[pkg-php-pear] RFS: shaarli

James Valleroy jvalleroy at mailbox.org
Mon Oct 26 01:53:00 GMT 2020

On 10/11/20 10:00 AM, James Valleroy wrote:
> I have prepared shaarli 0.11.1+dfsg-1 for initial upload to experimental. Please review the package, and sponsor if possible.
> In current state, the package is usable but missing front-end JS/CSS. I'm waiting for the next upstream release which will replace the front-end build dependencies (current dependencies are obsolete upstream).
> https://salsa.debian.org/php-team/pear/shaarli
> ITP #864559

Just a note that I have uploaded this package, so sponsoring is no longer needed. Any reviews or testing are appreciated though.

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