[pkg-php-pear] Bug#1014460: Bug#1014460: transition: php8.2

Ondřej Surý ondrej at sury.org
Sun Jan 8 21:41:51 GMT 2023


yes, I will take care of those, I’m just uploading them in batches as the dependencies require. I’ll check all the errors tomorrow. It was just Sunday, so I was not sitting by the computer. I expect to have everything solved next week.

The Breaks have been added there since the last transition - there was a tendency for the apt dependency solver to pick one package (say php-imagick) from old PHP version and other one from new PHP version (say php-mysql). The Breaks was the only solution we came with that worked. I can dig up some old issues from the last transition.

Ondřej Surý <ondrej at sury.org> (He/Him)

> On 8. 1. 2023, at 22:24, Paul Gevers <elbrus at debian.org> wrote:
> Control: severity 1023370 serious
> Control: severity 1023381 serious
> Hi Ondřej,
>> On 08-01-2023 07:38, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>>> On 12/15/22 20:15, Ondřej Surý wrote:
>>> I think everything is mostly ready in experimental. I'll try to sort out
>>> the rest of the missing extensions over the weekend (imagick, memcached,
>>> redis and maybe few others).
>> php-igbinary needs to be moved to unstable, php-apcu is built & installed on all release architectures.
>> php-raphf is also built & installed on all release architectures, but php-pecl-http was not staged in experimental and will need to pass NEW.
>> php-memcached and php-redis were not uploaded to experimental either.
> I have a couple of questions:
> I'm seeing that php-common has a Breaks on php8.1-common. Why is that? Is that really needed? It makes the migration a bit more complicated as it means that php8.1 has to be removed at the same time that php-common migrates.
> Will you also take care of src:xdebug, next to php-pecl-http, php-memcached and php-redis as Bas suggested?
> Paul

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