[pkg-php-pear] Remaining packages looking for sponsorship

Fab Stz fabstz-it at yahoo.fr
Fri Sep 1 19:41:04 BST 2023


Le vendredi 1 septembre 2023, 19:35:10 CEST James Valleroy a écrit :
> Hello Fab,
> I have uploaded php-datto-json-rpc-http and php-codeigniter-framework.

Thank you.

> Regarding php-giggsey-libphonenumber, I have some concern about the
> update script. I think it would overwrite files (in /var/lib/) that are
> installed by the main package. This is definitely not recommended! Could
> you please provide some information on why this updater script and
> package are needed?

libphonenumber-for-php (upstream) is a php wrapper for google's 
Upstream releases a new version as soon as google updates the metadata of 
libphonenumber. This is usually every 2 weeks.

The idea with the updater script/package is like `update-pciids` for example. 
It will take the metadata of the latest libphonenumber-for-php version and 
replace the current metadata stored in /var/lib/php-giggsey-libphonenumber

Waiting a new Debian stable release to get updated phonenumber metadata seems 
very long.

It seems update-pciids stores data to /usr/share/misc/pci.ids
What would be the right location for the metadata of php-giggsey-
libphonenumber then (instead of /var/lib/package) ?

Concerning the separate package, it was mainly to have a distinction between 
what is strictly from upstream (php-giggsey-libphonenumber) and what is a 
helper script provided only on Debian (php-giggsey-libphonenumber-updater).

> I saw a few packages that are in unstable now:
> - php-datto-json-rpc
> - php-giggsey-locale
> - sphinxcontrib-phpdomain
> These will need a new source-only upload, to migrate to testing. Let me
> know if I can go ahead with these uploads, or if you want to make some
> changes first.

I don't think some change is needed for them right now. You can either do the 
source-only upload now or wait until all packages passed FTP master if you 


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