[pkg-php-pear] Informations Delhaize

Pierre Monnoyer de Galland info at delhaize-shop.com
Wed Aug 21 15:57:07 BST 2024


Given the end-of-year holidays, our company wants to expand its network of suppliers and partners because of the orders that continue to increase.

In fact, we are looking for suppliers who can meet the requirements of our customers (delivery time, quantity and quality).

To do this, we are contacting you so that you can provide us with your catalog of products in stock that we wish to buy from you.

If this suits you, we can buy your stock in one go with a discount that we could discuss as soon as you respond to this email.

Best regards

Pierre Monnoyer de Galland
Sales Manager
Tel: +32 460 22 22 01

Delhaize Le Lion/De Leeuw SCA
Rue Osseghem, 53
1080 Bruxelles
Numéro d'entreprise 402.206.045
T.V.A. BE 0402.206.045

Cet e-mail a été envoyé par info at delhaize-shop.com à pkg-php-pear at lists.alioth.debian.org

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Mettre à jour le profil -  https://agym-zcmp.maillist-manage.eu/ua/upc?upd=1285a705064adcd0&r=1285a705064b69f5&n=11699e4bf8fff23&od=3z6c59ff35dff6b48ceb2fc049bef4b3e0&r=1285a705064b69f5&n=11699e4bf8fff23&od=3z6c59ff35dff6b48ceb2fc049bef4b3e0

Agymat Sarl | Pour nous écrire : 3 rue de la couture - 59115 LEERS - FRANCE 

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