[pkg-php-pear] Bug#1074180: transition: php8.4

David Prévot david at tilapin.org
Mon Dec 16 13:15:13 GMT 2024


On 16/12/2024 09:50, Ondřej Surý wrote:
> I have yet to hear from David what are his plans for this transition.

I’m personally otherwise busy right now, but managed to ask last week 
for a few hours at my day job to handle some stuff related to this 
transition (so I should be able to spare some cycles by the end of the 
week, especially the symfony related issues). It seems that most 
regressions are related to Horde (hence CCing the team and Mike), and 
I’ve noticed some uploads from other people involved in the PHP PEAR 
(and Composer) team recently, but let me cc the team anyway to raise 
some awareness.




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