[pkg-php-pear] Horde issues [Was: Bug#1074180: transition: php8.4]

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort pochu at debian.org
Fri Jan 10 09:42:08 GMT 2025

On 24/12/2024 08:35, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
> On 23/12/2024 15:30, David Prévot wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 19/12/2024 09:30, Mike Gabriel wrote:
>>> On  Do 19 Dez 2024 09:22:52 CET, David Prévot wrote:
>>>> On 16/12/2024 14:15, David Prévot wrote:
>>>>> […] It seems that most regressions are related to Horde (hence CCing the 
>>>>> team and Mike)
>>>> Half (14) of the 28 remaining issues spotted by debci are about Horde packages.
>> […]
>>> The Horde situation in Debian is quite sad. Upstream is working on some 
>>> modernization aka Horde 6, but nothing in sight so far.
>>> I'll ping Horde upstream on the current status the coming days, can you - for 
>>> now - ignore the php-horde-* package in the onoing transition?
>> If by ignoring, you mean “get it removed from testing”, I assume it’s possible.
>> Looking at what’s left on the [excuse] page, there are three end-user packages 
>> (mediawiki, phpldapadmin and phpmyadmin), all other look like libraries that 
>> are not used by any package currently in testing (well, except symfony, but 
>> the last upload is targeted to fix the remaining test issue on i386).
>>      excuse: https://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?package=php-defaults
> I have removed some of those packages (mostly horde and a couple others). 
> However at least libphp-swiftmailer can't be removed currently. symfony depends 
> on php-monolog which depends on libphp-swiftmailer.
> Also there's a chain in php-opis-closure -> php-zumba-json-serializer -> 
> phpmyadmin-sql-parser -> phpmyadmin.
> So those need to be looked at, alongside the applications (mediawiki, 
> phpmyadmin, etc).

Those got fixed, but php-defaults wasn't able to migrate, because php-common 
breaks php8.2-common. Marking php8.2 for removal didn't help, because then 
britney tried to remove all the php modules that still depended on php8.2 in 
testing (all of them).

In the end I used a force-hint to make php-defaults migrate, breaking php8.2, 
and removed it in a follow-up britney run. With that done, the transition is over.


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