[pkg-php-pear] Getting packages in shape for Trixie [Was: Laravel status for Trixie]

David Prévot david at tilapin.org
Sun Jan 26 09:52:29 GMT 2025


[ Initially addressed to the PHP library list, I finally cross posted to
   the Horde list also since we may share some clean up goals. ]

tl;dr: Please update your packages and team maintained packages now.

On 25/01/2025 09:52, David Prévot wrote:
> On 23/01/2025 22:46, Robin Gustafsson wrote:
>> As far as I know, the dependencies are ready in unstable but some were 
>> removed from testing:
>> * php-league-flysystem [3] and php-vlucas-phpdotenv [4] need patches for
>> phpunit 11.
> I’ll try and take care of those two (I had my cup full enough during the 
> transition, but now it’s over, I should be able to spare some cycle).

Done. I took this opportunity to update both packages to their latest 
upstream version.

> I guess some packages may be updated to newer upstream version (but 
> maybe not the latest major)

I also updated php-phpoption and php-graham-campbell-result-type to 
their latest upstream version, as required by the last 
php-vlucas-phpdotenv upstream version.

With the freeze starting soon, I believe it’s the right (well, to be 
fair, last) moment to get our packages in shape for the next stable release.


As an alternative to update, there is also the possibility to remove: 
packages in Trixie will have to be taken care of its lifetime cycle 
(roughly three years after it get released, two more years if you take 
LTS into account, and even more if you think about eLTS). There has been 
a few removals from testing for the recent PHP 8.4 transition, as well 
as for the PHPUnit 11 transition, and I raised a dozen more RC-bugs last 
week for packages that may be useless (assuming most of our PHP 
libraries are used by an end-user package, but that assumption is not 
always true).

Since it’s usually less difficult to backport upstream security fixes 
when the upstream version is not too outdated (and also if the Debian 
packaging is up to our current standards), and even easier if we don’t 
have to (because the package didn’t make the cut for the stable 
release), updating or removing packages from testing now is a good way 
to ensure the quality of Trixie.

For example, some main Horde packages got removed from Trixie during the 
PHP 8.4 transition, Mike (CCed) was unsure about the situation. If Horde 
doesn’t make it for Trixie, I guess none of the 122 packages from the 
team should be part of Trixie, and PHP libraries only used by Horde 
packages should also be removed from testing ASAP (via RC-bugs tagged 
sid and trixie).




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