[Pkg-privacy-commits] [obfsproxy] 218/353: Remove the PITS code.

Ximin Luo infinity0 at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Aug 22 13:02:01 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

infinity0 pushed a commit to branch master
in repository obfsproxy.

commit b88efc0ce3f145d5e767d5b938889e99b47021b7
Author: George Kadianakis <desnacked at riseup.net>
Date:   Mon Jan 20 16:27:10 2014 +0000

    Remove the PITS code.
    The code was not functioning properly and I don't even remember how it
    worked anymore.
    I will leave the spec file around in case a poor soul encounters it
    and decides to build it properly.
 obfsproxy/test/int_tests/obfsproxy_tester.py   |  88 ----------
 obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits.py               | 227 -------------------------
 obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits_connections.py   | 109 ------------
 obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits_design.txt       |   2 +
 obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits_network.py       | 168 ------------------
 obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits_transcript.py    | 100 -----------
 obfsproxy/test/int_tests/test_case.pits        |  16 --
 obfsproxy/test/int_tests/test_case_simple.pits |   6 -
 obfsproxy/test/int_tests/test_pits.py          |  70 --------
 9 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 784 deletions(-)

diff --git a/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/obfsproxy_tester.py b/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/obfsproxy_tester.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c08c1d..0000000
--- a/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/obfsproxy_tester.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from twisted.internet import protocol
-import os
-import logging
-import subprocess
-import threading
-obfsproxy_env = {}
-class ObfsproxyProcess(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
-    """
-    Represents the behavior of an obfsproxy process.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.stdout_data = ''
-        self.stderr_data = ''
-        self.name = 'obfs_%s' % hex(id(self))
-    def connectionMade(self):
-        pass
-    def outReceived(self, data):
-        """Got data in stdout."""
-        logging.debug('%s: outReceived got %d bytes of data.' % (self.name, len(data)))
-        self.stdout_data += data
-    def errReceived(self, data):
-        """Got data in stderr."""
-        logging.debug('%s: errReceived got %d bytes of data.' % (self.name, len(data)))
-        self.stderr_data += data
-    def inConnectionLost(self):
-        """stdin closed."""
-        logging.debug('%s: stdin closed' % self.name)
-    def outConnectionLost(self):
-        """stdout closed."""
-        logging.debug('%s: outConnectionLost, stdout closed!' % self.name)
-        # XXX Fail the test if stdout is not clean.
-        if self.stdout_data != '':
-            logging.warning('%s: stdout is not clean: %s' % (self.name, self.stdout_data))
-    def errConnectionLost(self):
-        """stderr closed."""
-        logging.debug('%s: errConnectionLost, stderr closed!' % self.name)
-    def processExited(self, reason):
-        """Process exited."""
-        logging.debug('%s: processExited, status %s' % (self.name, str(reason.value.exitCode)))
-    def processEnded(self, reason):
-        """Process ended."""
-        logging.debug('%s: processEnded, status %s' % (self.name, str(reason.value.exitCode)))
-    def kill(self):
-        """Kill the process."""
-        logging.debug('%s: killing' % self.name)
-        self.transport.signalProcess('KILL')
-        self.transport.loseConnection()
-class Obfsproxy(object):
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        # Fix up our argv
-        argv = []
-        argv.extend(('python', '../../../../bin/obfsproxy', '--log-min-severity=warning'))
-        # Extend hardcoded argv with user-specified options.
-        if len(args) == 1 and (isinstance(args[0], list) or
-                               isinstance(args[0], tuple)):
-            argv.extend(args[0])
-        else:
-            argv.extend(args)
-        # Launch obfsproxy
-        self.obfs_process = ObfsproxyProcess()
-        reactor.spawnProcess(self.obfs_process, 'python', args=argv,
-                             env=obfsproxy_env)
-        logging.debug('spawnProcess with %s' % str(argv))
-    def kill(self):
-        """Kill the obfsproxy process."""
-        self.obfs_process.kill()
diff --git a/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits.py b/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b5b96b1..0000000
--- a/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import logging
-import time
-import socket
-import collections
-from twisted.internet import task, reactor, defer
-import pits_network as network
-import pits_connections as conns
-import obfsproxy_tester
-import pits_transcript as transcript
-def usage():
-    print "PITS usage:\n\tpits.py test_case.pits"
-CLIENT_OBFSPORT = 42000 # XXX maybe randomize?
-class PITS(object):
-    """
-    The PITS system. It executes the commands written in test case
-    files.
-    Attributes:
-    'transcript', is the PITS transcript. It's being written while
-    the tests are running.
-    'inbound_listener', the inbound PITS listener.
-    'client_obfs' and 'server_obfs', the client and server obfpsroxy processes.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        # Set up the transcript
-        self.transcript = transcript.Transcript()
-        # Set up connection handler
-        self.conn_handler = conns.PITSConnectionHandler()
-        # Set up our fake network:
-        # Set up PITS inbound listener
-        self.inbound_factory = network.PITSInboundFactory(self.transcript, self.conn_handler)
-        self.inbound_listener = reactor.listenTCP(0, self.inbound_factory, interface='localhost')
-        self.client_obfs = None
-        self.server_obfs = None
-        logging.debug("PITS initialized.")
-    def get_pits_inbound_address(self):
-        """Return the address of the PITS inbound listener."""
-        return self.inbound_listener.getHost()
-    def launch_obfsproxies(self, obfs_client_args, obfs_server_args):
-        """Launch client and server obfsproxies with the given cli arguments."""
-        # Set up client Obfsproxy.
-        self.client_obfs = obfsproxy_tester.Obfsproxy(*obfs_client_args)
-        # Set up server Obfsproxy.
-        self.server_obfs = obfsproxy_tester.Obfsproxy(*obfs_server_args)
-        time.sleep(1)
-    def pause(self, tokens):
-        """Read a parse command."""
-        if len(tokens) > 1:
-            raise InvalidCommand("Too big pause line.")
-        if not tokens[0].isdigit():
-            raise InvalidCommand("Invalid pause argument (%s)." % tokens[0])
-        time.sleep(int(tokens[0]))
-    def init_conn(self, tokens):
-        """Read a connection establishment command."""
-        if len(tokens) > 1:
-            raise InvalidCommand("Too big init connection line.")
-        # Before firing up the connetion, register its identifier to
-        # the PITS subsystem.
-        self.inbound_factory.register_new_identifier(tokens[0])
-        # Create outbound socket. tokens[0] is its identifier.
-        factory = network.PITSOutboundFactory(tokens[0], self.transcript, self.conn_handler)
-        reactor.connectTCP('', CLIENT_OBFSPORT, factory)
-    def transmit(self, tokens, direction):
-        """Read a transmit command."""
-        if len(tokens) < 2:
-            raise InvalidCommand("Too small transmit line.")
-        identifier = tokens[0]
-        data = " ".join(tokens[1:]) # concatenate rest of the line
-        data = data.decode('string_escape') # unescape string
-        try:
-            self.conn_handler.send_data_through_conn(identifier, direction, data)
-        except conns.NoSuchConn, err:
-            logging.warning("Wanted to send some data, but I can't find '%s' connection with id '%s'." % \
-                                (direction, identifier))
-            # XXX note it to transcript
-        logging.debug("Sending '%s' from '%s' socket '%s'." % (data, direction, identifier))
-    def eof(self, tokens, direction):
-        """Read a transmit EOF command."""
-        if len(tokens) > 1:
-            raise InvalidCommand("Too big EOF line.")
-        identifier = tokens[0]
-        try:
-            self.conn_handler.close_conn(identifier, direction)
-        except conns.NoSuchConn, err:
-            logging.warning("Wanted to EOF, but I can't find '%s' connection with id '%s'." % \
-                                (direction, identifier))
-            # XXX note it to transcript
-        logging.debug("Sending EOF from '%s' socket '%s'." % (identifier, direction))
-    def do_command(self, line):
-        """
-        Parse command from 'line'.
-        Throws InvalidCommand.
-        """
-        logging.debug("Parsing %s" % repr(line))
-        line = line.rstrip()
-        if line == '': # Ignore blank lines
-            return
-        tokens = line.split(" ")
-        if len(tokens) < 2:
-            raise InvalidCommand("Too few tokens: '%s'." % line)
-        if tokens[0] == 'P':
-            self.pause(tokens[1:])
-        elif tokens[0] == '!':
-            self.init_conn(tokens[1:])
-        elif tokens[0] == '>':
-            self.transmit(tokens[1:], 'outbound')
-        elif tokens[0] == '<':
-            self.transmit(tokens[1:], 'inbound')
-        elif tokens[0] == '*':
-            self.eof(tokens[1:], 'inbound')
-        elif tokens[0] == '#': # comment
-            pass
-        else:
-            logging.warning("Unknown token in line: '%s'" % line)
-    def cleanup(self):
-        logging.debug("Cleanup.")
-        self.inbound_listener.stopListening()
-        self.client_obfs.kill()
-        self.server_obfs.kill()
-class TestReader(object):
-    """
-    Read and execute a test case from a file.
-    Attributes:
-    'script', is the text of the test case file.
-    'test_case_line', is a generator that yields the next line of the test case file.
-    'pits', is the PITS system responsible for this test case.
-    'assertTrue', is a function pointer to a unittest.assertTrue
-                  function that should be used to validate this test.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, test_assertTrue_func, fname):
-        self.assertTrue = test_assertTrue_func
-        self.script = open(fname).read()
-        self.test_case_line = self.test_case_line_gen()
-        self.pits = PITS()
-    def test_case_line_gen(self):
-        """Yield the next line of the test case file."""
-        for line in self.script.split('\n'):
-            yield line
-    def do_test(self, obfs_client_args, obfs_server_args):
-        """
-        Start a test case with obfsproxies with the given arguments.
-        """
-        # Launch the obfsproxies
-        self.pits.launch_obfsproxies(obfs_client_args, obfs_server_args)
-        # We call _do_command() till we read the whole test case
-        # file. After we read the file, we call
-        # transcript.test_was_success() to verify the test run.
-        d = task.deferLater(reactor, 0.2, self._do_command)
-        return d
-    def _do_command(self):
-        """
-        Read and execute another command from the test case file.
-        If the test case file is over, verify that the test was succesful. 
-        """
-        try:
-            line = self.test_case_line.next()
-        except StopIteration: # Test case is over.
-            return self.assertTrue(self.pits.transcript.test_was_success(self.script))
-        time.sleep(0.3)
-        self.pits.do_command(line)
-        # 0.4 seconds should be enough time for the network operations to complete,
-        # so that we can move to the next command.
-        d = task.deferLater(reactor, 0.4, self._do_command)
-        return d
-    def cleanup(self):
-        self.pits.cleanup()
-class InvalidCommand(Exception): pass
diff --git a/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits_connections.py b/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits_connections.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 77b5062..0000000
--- a/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits_connections.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-Code that keeps track of the connections of PITS.
-def remove_key(d, key):
-    """
-    Return a dictionary identical to 'd' but with 'key' (and its
-    value) removed.
-    """
-    r = dict(d)
-    del r[key]
-    return r
-class PITSConnectionHandler(object):
-    """
-    Responsible for managing PITS connections.
-    Attributes:
-    'active_outbound_conns', is a dictionary mapping outbound connection identifiers with their objects.
-    'active_inbound_conns', is a dictionary mapping inbound connection identifiers with their objects.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        # { "id1" : <OutboundConnection #1>, "id2": <OutboundConnection #2> }
-        self.active_outbound_conns = {}
-        # { "id1" : <InboundConnection #1>, "id2": <InboundConnection #2> }
-        self.active_inbound_conns = {}
-    def register_conn(self, conn, identifier, direction):
-        """
-        Register connection 'conn' with 'identifier'. 'direction' is
-        either "inbound" or "outbound".
-        """
-        if direction == 'inbound':
-            self.active_inbound_conns[identifier] = conn
-            logging.debug("active_inbound_conns: %s" % str(self.active_inbound_conns))
-        elif direction == 'outbound':
-            self.active_outbound_conns[identifier] = conn
-            logging.debug("active_outbound_conns: %s" % str(self.active_outbound_conns))
-    def unregister_conn(self, identifier, direction):
-        """
-        Unregister connection 'conn' with 'identifier'. 'direction' is
-        either "inbound" or "outbound".
-        """
-        if direction == 'inbound':
-            self.active_inbound_conns = remove_key(self.active_inbound_conns, identifier)
-            logging.debug("active_inbound_conns: %s" % str(self.active_inbound_conns))
-        elif direction == 'outbound':
-            self.active_outbound_conns = remove_key(self.active_outbound_conns, identifier)
-            logging.debug("active_outbound_conns: %s" % str(self.active_outbound_conns))
-    def find_conn(self, identifier, direction):
-        """
-        Find connection with 'identifier'. 'direction' is either
-        "inbound" or "outbound".
-        Raises NoSuchConn.
-        """
-        conn = None
-        try:
-            if direction == 'inbound':
-                conn = self.active_inbound_conns[identifier]
-            elif direction == 'outbound':
-                conn = self.active_outbound_conns[identifier]
-        except KeyError:
-            logging.warning("find_conn: Could not find '%s' connection with identifier '%s'" %
-                            (direction, identifier))
-            raise NoSuchConn()
-        logging.debug("Found '%s' conn with identifier '%s': '%s'" % (direction, identifier, conn))
-        return conn
-    def send_data_through_conn(self, identifier, direction, data):
-        """
-        Send 'data' through connection with 'identifier'.
-        """
-        try:
-            conn = self.find_conn(identifier, direction)
-        except KeyError:
-            logging.warning("send_data_through_conn: Could not find '%s' connection "
-                            "with identifier '%s'" % (direction, identifier))
-            raise NoSuchConn()
-        conn.write(data)
-    def close_conn(self, identifier, direction):
-        """
-        Send EOF through connection with 'identifier'.
-        """
-        try:
-            conn = self.find_conn(identifier, direction)
-        except KeyError:
-            logging.warning("close_conn: Could not find '%s' connection "
-                            "with identifier '%s'" % (direction, identifier))
-            raise NoSuchConn()
-        conn.close()
-class NoSuchConn(Exception): pass
diff --git a/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits_design.txt b/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits_design.txt
index a627e1a..1684c7b 100644
--- a/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits_design.txt
+++ b/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits_design.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 Pyobfsproxy integration test suite (PITS)
   Obfsproxy needs an automated and robust way of testing its pluggable
diff --git a/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits_network.py b/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits_network.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d093c9..0000000
--- a/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits_network.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, Factory, ClientFactory
-from twisted.internet import reactor, error, address, tcp
-import logging
-class GenericProtocol(Protocol):
-    """
-    Generic PITS connection. Contains useful methods and attributes.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, identifier, direction, transcript, conn_handler):
-        self.identifier = identifier
-        self.direction = direction
-        self.transcript = transcript
-        self.conn_handler = conn_handler
-        self.closed = False
-        self.conn_handler.register_conn(self, self.identifier, self.direction)
-        # If it's inbound, note the connection establishment to the transcript.
-        if self.direction == 'inbound':
-            self.transcript.write('! %s' % self.identifier)
-        logging.debug("Registered '%s' connection with identifier %s" % (direction, identifier))
-    def connectionLost(self, reason):
-        logging.debug("%s: Connection was lost (%s)." % (self.name, reason.getErrorMessage()))
-        # If it's inbound, note the connection fail to the transcript.
-        if self.direction == 'inbound':
-            self.transcript.write('* %s' % self.identifier)
-        self.close()
-    def connectionFailed(self, reason):
-        logging.warning("%s: Connection failed to connect (%s)." % (self.name, reason.getErrorMessage()))
-        # XXX Note connection fail to transcript?
-        self.close()
-    def dataReceived(self, data):
-        logging.debug("'%s' connection '%s' received %s" % (self.direction, self.identifier, repr(data)))
-        # Note data to the transcript.
-        symbol = '>' if self.direction == 'inbound' else '<'
-        self.transcript.write('%s %s %s' % (symbol, self.identifier, data.encode("string_escape")))
-    def write(self, buf):
-        """
-        Write 'buf' to the underlying transport.
-        """
-        logging.debug("Connection '%s' writing %s" % (self.identifier, repr(buf)))
-        self.transport.write(buf)
-    def close(self):
-        """
-        Close the connection.
-        """
-        if self.closed: return # NOP if already closed
-        logging.debug("%s: Closing connection." % self.name)
-        self.transport.loseConnection()
-        self.conn_handler.unregister_conn(self.identifier, self.direction)
-        self.closed = True
-class OutboundConnection(GenericProtocol):
-    def __init__(self, identifier, transcript, conn_handler):
-        self.name = "out_%s_%s" % (identifier, hex(id(self)))
-        GenericProtocol.__init__(self, identifier, 'outbound', transcript, conn_handler)
-class InboundConnection(GenericProtocol):
-    def __init__(self, identifier, transcript, conn_handler):
-        self.name = "in_%s_%s" % (identifier, hex(id(self)))
-        GenericProtocol.__init__(self, identifier, 'inbound', transcript, conn_handler)
-class PITSOutboundFactory(Factory):
-    """
-    Outbound PITS factory.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, identifier, transcript, conn_handler):
-        self.transcript = transcript
-        self.conn_handler = conn_handler
-        self.identifier = identifier
-        self.name = "out_factory_%s" % hex(id(self))
-    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
-        # New outbound connection.
-        return OutboundConnection(self.identifier, self.transcript, self.conn_handler)
-    def startFactory(self):
-        logging.debug("%s: Started up PITS outbound listener." % self.name)
-    def stopFactory(self):
-        logging.debug("%s: Shutting down PITS outbound listener." % self.name)
-    def startedConnecting(self, connector):
-        logging.debug("%s: Client factory started connecting." % self.name)
-    def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
-        logging.debug("%s: Connection lost (%s)." % (self.name, reason.getErrorMessage()))
-    def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
-        logging.debug("%s: Connection failed (%s)." % (self.name, reason.getErrorMessage()))
-class PITSInboundFactory(Factory):
-    """
-    Inbound PITS factory
-    """
-    def __init__(self, transcript, conn_handler):
-        self.transcript = transcript
-        self.conn_handler = conn_handler
-        self.name = "in_factory_%s" % hex(id(self))
-        # List with all the identifiers observed while parsing the
-        # test case file so far.
-        self.identifiers_seen = []
-        # The number of identifiers used so far to name incoming
-        # connections. Normally it should be smaller than the length
-        # of 'identifiers_seen'.
-        self.identifiers_used_n = 0
-    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
-        # New inbound connection.
-        identifier = self._get_identifier_for_new_conn()
-        return InboundConnection(identifier, self.transcript, self.conn_handler)
-    def register_new_identifier(self, identifier):
-        """Register new connection identifier."""
-        if identifier in self.identifiers_seen:
-            # The identifier was already in our list. Broken test case
-            # or broken PITS.
-            logging.warning("Tried to register identifier '%s' more than once (list: %s)."
-                            "Maybe your test case is broken, or this could be a bug." %
-                            (identifier, self.identifiers_seen))
-            return
-        self.identifiers_seen.append(identifier)
-    def _get_identifier_for_new_conn(self):
-        """
-        We got a new incoming connection. Find the next identifier
-        that we should use, and return it.
-        """
-        # BUG len(identifiers_seen) == 0 , identifiers_used == 0
-        # NORMAL len(identifiers_seen) == 1, identifiers_used == 0
-        # BUG len(identifiers_seen) == 2, identifiers_used == 3
-        if (self.identifiers_used_n >= len(self.identifiers_seen)):
-            logging.warning("Not enough identifiers for new connection (%d, %s)" %
-                            (self.identifiers_used_n, str(self.identifiers_seen)))
-            assert(False)
-        identifier = self.identifiers_seen[self.identifiers_used_n]
-        self.identifiers_used_n += 1
-        return identifier
-    def startFactory(self):
-        logging.debug("%s: Started up PITS inbound listener." % self.name)
-    def stopFactory(self):
-        logging.debug("%s: Shutting down PITS inbound listener." % self.name)
-        # XXX here we should close all existiing connections
diff --git a/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits_transcript.py b/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits_transcript.py
deleted file mode 100644
index be0ba49..0000000
--- a/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/pits_transcript.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-import collections
-import logging
-import pits
-class Transcript(object):
-    """
-    Manages the PITS transcript. Also contains the functions that
-    verify the transcript against the test case file.
-    Attributes:
-    'text', the transcript text.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.text = ''
-    def write(self, data):
-        """Write 'data' to transcript."""
-        self.text += data
-        self.text += '\n'
-    def get(self):
-        return self.text
-    def test_was_success(self, original_script):
-        """
-        Validate transcript against test case file. Return True if the
-        test was successful and False otherwise.
-        """
-        postprocessed_script = self._postprocess(original_script)
-        postprocessed_transcript = self._postprocess(self.text)
-        # Log the results
-        log_func = logging.debug if postprocessed_script == postprocessed_transcript else logging.warning
-        log_func("postprocessed_script:\n'%s'" % postprocessed_script)
-        log_func("postprocessed_transcript:\n'%s'" % postprocessed_transcript)
-        return postprocessed_script == postprocessed_transcript
-    def _postprocess(self, script):
-        """
-        Post-process a (trans)script, according to the instructions of
-        the "Test case results" section.
-        Return the postprocessed string.
-        Assume correctly formatted script file.
-        """
-        logging.debug("Postprocessing:\n%s" % script)
-        postprocessed = ''
-        outbound_events = [] # Events of the outbound connections
-        inbound_events = [] # Events of the inbound connections
-        # Data towards outbound connections (<identifier> -> <outbound data>)
-        outbound_data = collections.OrderedDict()
-        # Data towards inbound connections (<identifier> -> <inbound data>)
-        inbound_data = collections.OrderedDict()
-        for line in script.split('\n'):
-            line = line.rstrip()
-            if line == '':
-                continue
-            tokens = line.split(" ")
-            if tokens[0] == 'P' or tokens[0] == '#': # Ignore
-                continue
-            elif tokens[0] == '!': # Count '!' as inbound event
-                inbound_events.append(line)
-            elif tokens[0] == '*': # Count '*' as outbound event
-                outbound_events.append(line)
-            elif tokens[0] == '>': # Data towards inbound socket
-                if not tokens[1] in inbound_data:
-                    inbound_data[tokens[1]] = ''
-                inbound_data[tokens[1]] += ' '.join(tokens[2:])
-            elif tokens[0] == '<': # Data towards outbound socket
-                if not tokens[1] in outbound_data:
-                    outbound_data[tokens[1]] = ''
-                outbound_data[tokens[1]] += ' '.join(tokens[2:])
-        """
-        Inbound-related events and traffic go on top, the rest go to
-        the bottom. Event lines go on top, transmit lines on bottom.
-        """
-        # Inbound lines
-        postprocessed += '\n'.join(inbound_events)
-        postprocessed += '\n'
-        for identifier, data in inbound_data.items():
-            postprocessed += '> %s %s\n' % (identifier, data)
-        # Outbound lines
-        postprocessed += '\n'.join(outbound_events)
-        for identifier, data in outbound_data.items():
-            postprocessed += '< %s %s\n' % (identifier, data)
-        return postprocessed
diff --git a/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/test_case.pits b/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/test_case.pits
deleted file mode 100644
index aebd297..0000000
--- a/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/test_case.pits
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# Sample test case
-! one
-> one ABC
-< one DEF
-< one HIJ
-> one KLM
-P 1
-! two
-! three
-* one
-> two 123
-> two 456
-* three
-< two 789
-* two
diff --git a/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/test_case_simple.pits b/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/test_case_simple.pits
deleted file mode 100644
index 9938b69..0000000
--- a/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/test_case_simple.pits
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-! one
-> one ABC
-! two
-< two DFG
-* one
-* two
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/test_pits.py b/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/test_pits.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 09ee6ab..0000000
--- a/obfsproxy/test/int_tests/test_pits.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import logging
-import twisted.trial.unittest
-import pits
-class PITSTest(twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        pass
-    def tearDown(self):
-        self.treader.cleanup()
-    def _doTest(self, transport_name, test_case_file):
-        self.treader = pits.TestReader(self.assertTrue, test_case_file)
-        return self.treader.do_test(
-            ('%s' % transport_name,
-             'client',
-             '' % pits.CLIENT_OBFSPORT,
-             '--dest=' % pits.SERVER_OBFSPORT),
-            ('%s' % transport_name,
-             'server',
-             '' % pits.SERVER_OBFSPORT,
-             '--dest=' % self.treader.pits.get_pits_inbound_address().port))
-    def _doTest_shared_secret(self, transport_name, test_case_file):
-        self.treader = pits.TestReader(self.assertTrue, test_case_file)
-        return self.treader.do_test(
-            ('%s' % transport_name,
-             'client',
-             '' % pits.CLIENT_OBFSPORT,
-             '--shared-secret=test',
-             "--ss-hash-iterations=50",
-             '--dest=' % pits.SERVER_OBFSPORT),
-            ('%s' % transport_name,
-             'server',
-             '' % pits.SERVER_OBFSPORT,
-             '--shared-secret=test',
-             "--ss-hash-iterations=50",
-             '--dest=' % self.treader.pits.get_pits_inbound_address().port))
-    # XXX This is pretty ridiculous. Find a smarter way to make up for the
-    # absense of load_tests().
-    def test_dummy_1(self):
-        return self._doTest("dummy", "../test_case.pits")
-    def test_dummy_2(self):
-        return self._doTest("dummy", "../test_case_simple.pits")
-    def test_obfs2_1(self):
-        return self._doTest("obfs2", "../test_case.pits")
-    def test_obfs2_2(self):
-        return self._doTest("obfs2", "../test_case_simple.pits")
-    def test_obfs2_shared_secret_1(self):
-        return self._doTest_shared_secret("obfs2", "../test_case.pits")
-    def test_obfs2_shared_secret_2(self):
-        return self._doTest_shared_secret("obfs2", "../test_case_simple.pits")
-    def test_obfs3_1(self):
-        return self._doTest("obfs3", "../test_case.pits")
-    def test_obfs3_2(self):
-        return self._doTest("obfs3", "../test_case_simple.pits")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from unittest import main
-    main()

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-privacy/packages/obfsproxy.git

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