[Pkg-privacy-commits] [torbrowser-launcher] 24/476: got tasks to run in series
Ximin Luo
infinity0 at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Aug 22 13:21:19 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
infinity0 pushed a commit to branch debian
in repository torbrowser-launcher.
commit b52adcbeae77f9cd984bf102ac5489a77c5770c8
Author: Micah Lee <micahflee at riseup.net>
Date: Wed Feb 13 00:08:38 2013 -0800
got tasks to run in series
src/torbrowser-launcher | 224 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
1 file changed, 154 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/torbrowser-launcher b/src/torbrowser-launcher
index 8252d85..c68c6be 100755
--- a/src/torbrowser-launcher
+++ b/src/torbrowser-launcher
@@ -36,11 +36,10 @@ const TorBrowserLauncher = new Lang.Class({
} else if(installed_tbb_version < that._current_tbb_version) {
// there is a tbb upgrade available
- "Your Tor Browser Launcher is out of date. Upgrading\n"+
- "to the newest version will download it from the\n"+
- "following URLs:\n\n"+
- that._paths.url.tarball+"\n"+
- that._paths.url.tarball_sig+"\n",
+ "Your Tor Browser Launcher is out of date. Click Start to download the\n"+
+ "following files from https://www.torproject.org:\n\n"+
+ that._paths.filename.tarball+"\n"+
+ that._paths.filename.tarball_sig+"\n",
['download_tarball', 'download_tarball_sig', 'verify', 'extract', 'run']);
} else {
// for some reason the installed tbb is newer than the current version?
@@ -94,11 +93,11 @@ const TorBrowserLauncher = new Lang.Class({
// first run
- "The first time you run the Tor Browser Launcher you\n"+
- "need to download the Tor Browser Bundle. Click start\n"+
- "to download it now from the following URLs:\n\n"+
- this._paths.url.tarball+"\n"+
- this._paths.url.tarball_sig+"\n",
+ "The first time you run the Tor Browser Launcher you need to download\n"+
+ "the Tor Browser Bundle. Click start to download it now from the\n"+
+ "following files from https://www.torproject.org/:\n\n"+
+ this._paths.filename.tarball+"\n"+
+ this._paths.filename.tarball_sig+"\n",
['download_tarball', 'download_tarball_sig', 'verify', 'extract', 'run']);
@@ -168,6 +167,10 @@ const TorBrowserLauncher = new Lang.Class({
url: {
tarball: 'https://www.torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/linux/'+tarball_filename,
tarball_sig: 'https://www.torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/linux/'+tarball_filename+'.asc'
+ },
+ filename: {
+ tarball: tarball_filename,
+ tarball_sig: tarball_filename+'.asc'
@@ -184,6 +187,8 @@ const TorBrowserLauncher = new Lang.Class({
// build the application's UI
_build_ui: function() {
+ let that = this;
// create the application window
this._window = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow({
application: this.application,
@@ -194,7 +199,7 @@ const TorBrowserLauncher = new Lang.Class({
// create the Grid
this._grid = new Gtk.Grid ({
- row_spacing: 20,
+ row_spacing: 10,
column_spacing: 20
@@ -224,12 +229,7 @@ const TorBrowserLauncher = new Lang.Class({
case 'task':
// the label
- this._label = new Gtk.Label({
- label:
- "The first time you run the Tor Browser Launcher you \n"+
- "need to download the Tor Browser Bundle. Would you \n"+
- "like to download it from https://www.torproject.org?"
- });
+ this._label = new Gtk.Label({ label: this._gui_message });
// progress bar
this._progress_bar = new Gtk.ProgressBar({
@@ -237,57 +237,88 @@ const TorBrowserLauncher = new Lang.Class({
// download buttons
- this._button_download = new Gtk.Button({ label: "Download" });
- this._button_download.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, function(){
- this._statusbar.set_label('Downloading Tor Browser Bundle');
- function file_size(bytes) {
- if(bytes < 1024) {
- return ''+bytes+' bytes';
- }
- let kb = bytes / 1024;
- kb = Math.floor(kb);
- if(kb < 1024) {
- return ''+kb+'kb';
+ this._button_start = new Gtk.Button({ label: "Start" });
+ this._button_start.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, function(){
+ // disable the start button
+ this._button_start.set_sensitive(false);
+ // make an array of functions to call in order
+ let task_functions = [];
+ for(let i = 0; i < this._gui_tasks.length; i++) {
+ switch(this._gui_tasks[i]){
+ case 'download_tarball':
+ task_functions.push(function(done){
+ that._download_file('Tor Browser Bundle .tar.gz', that._paths.url.tarball, that._paths.file.tarball, function(err){
+ if(err) {
+ done(err);
+ return;
+ }
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'download_tarball_sig':
+ task_functions.push(function(done){
+ that._download_file('Tor Browser Bundle .asc', that._paths.url.tarball_sig, that._paths.file.tarball_sig, function(err){
+ if(err) {
+ done(err);
+ return;
+ }
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'verify':
+ task_functions.push(function(done){
+ that._verify(function(){
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'extract':
+ task_functions.push(function(done){
+ that._extract(function(){
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'run':
+ task_functions.push(function(done){
+ if(!that._exec([that._paths.file.start])) {
+ that._statusbar.label = 'Failed to execute '+that._paths.file.start;
+ that._button_start.set_sensitive(true);
+ };
+ done();
+ });
+ break;
- let mb = kb / 1024;
- mb = Math.floor(mb * 100) / 100;
- return ''+mb+'mb';
- let total_size;
- let bytes_so_far = 0;
- // create an http message
- let request = Soup.Message.new('GET', this._tarball_url);
- // grab the content-length from the headers
- request.connect('got_headers', Lang.bind(this, function(message){
- total_size = message.response_headers.get_content_length()
- }));
- // update progress bar with each chunk
- request.connect('got_chunk', Lang.bind(this, function(message, chunk){
- //let [data, length] = chunk.get_data();
- bytes_so_far += chunk.length;
- if(total_size) {
- let fraction = bytes_so_far / total_size;
- let percent = Math.floor(fraction * 100);
- this._progress_bar.set_fraction(fraction);
- this._statusbar.set_label("Downloaded "+percent+"% ("+file_size(bytes_so_far)+" / "+file_size(total_size)+")");
- }
- //print('got chunk '+length);
- }));
- this._httpSession.queue_message(request, function(_httpSession, message) {
- if(message.status_code !== 200) {
- this._statusbar.set_label('Download failed: '+message.status_code);
- return;
+ // call them in order
+ let i = 0;
+ function series(done){
+ if(i > task_functions.length) {
+ done();
- this._progress_bar.set_fraction(1);
- this._statusbar.set_label('Download finished');
+ task_functions[i](function(err){
+ if(err) {
+ // there was an error in the series
+ // handle it by making the start button clickable again
+ this._button_start.set_sensitive(true);
+ } else {
+ i++;
+ series();
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ series(function(){
+ // all tasks have been executed, so exit
+ this._window.destroy();
// exit button
@@ -302,7 +333,7 @@ const TorBrowserLauncher = new Lang.Class({
// attach everything to the grid
this._grid.attach(this._label, 0, 0, 2, 1);
this._grid.attach(this._progress_bar, 0, 1, 2, 1);
- this._grid.attach(this._button_download, 0, 2, 1, 1);
+ this._grid.attach(this._button_start, 0, 2, 1, 1);
this._grid.attach(this._button_exit, 1, 2, 1, 1);
this._grid.attach(this._statusbar, 0, 3, 2, 1);
@@ -322,19 +353,68 @@ const TorBrowserLauncher = new Lang.Class({
// download a file, while updating the progress bar
// callback is function(err)
- _download_file: function(url, path, callback){
- callback();
+ _download_file: function(name, url, path, callback){
+ let that = this;
+ this._statusbar.set_label('Downloading '+name);
+ function file_size(bytes) {
+ if(bytes < 1024) {
+ return ''+bytes+' bytes';
+ }
+ let kb = bytes / 1024;
+ kb = Math.floor(kb);
+ if(kb < 1024) {
+ return ''+kb+'kb';
+ }
+ let mb = kb / 1024;
+ mb = Math.floor(mb * 100) / 100;
+ return ''+mb+'mb';
+ }
+ let total_size;
+ let bytes_so_far = 0;
+ // create an http message
+ let request = Soup.Message.new('GET', url);
+ // grab the content-length from the headers
+ request.connect('got_headers', Lang.bind(this, function(message){
+ total_size = message.response_headers.get_content_length()
+ }));
+ // update progress bar with each chunk
+ request.connect('got_chunk', Lang.bind(this, function(message, chunk){
+ bytes_so_far += chunk.length;
+ if(total_size) {
+ let fraction = bytes_so_far / total_size;
+ let percent = Math.floor(fraction * 100);
+ this._progress_bar.set_fraction(fraction);
+ this._statusbar.set_label("Downloading "+name+": "+percent+"% ("+file_size(bytes_so_far)+" / "+file_size(total_size)+")");
+ }
+ }));
+ this._httpSession.queue_message(request, function(_httpSession, message) {
+ if(message.status_code !== 200) {
+ that._statusbar.set_label('Downloading '+name+' failed: '+message.status_code);
+ callback(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ that._progress_bar.set_fraction(1);
+ that._statusbar.set_label('Downloading '+name+' finished');
+ callback();
+ });
// verify the signature on the tarball
// callback is function(err)
- _verify_sig: function(callback){
+ _verify: function(callback){
- // install tbb over the old version, while updating the progress bar
+ // extract tbb over the old version, while updating the progress bar
// callback is function(err)
- _install: function(callback){
+ _extract: function(callback){
@@ -370,7 +450,11 @@ const TorBrowserLauncher = new Lang.Class({
return GLib.file_test(filename, GLib.FileTest.IS_EXECUTABLE);
_exec: function(args){
- return GLib.spawn_sync(null, args, null, GLib.SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH, null);
+ try {
+ return GLib.spawn_sync(null, args, null, GLib.SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH, null);
+ } catch(err) {
+ return false;
+ }
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-privacy/packages/torbrowser-launcher.git
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