[Pkg-privacy-commits] [msva-perl] 136/356: build a first-pass marginal prompt

Ximin Luo infinity0 at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Aug 24 07:41:48 UTC 2015

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infinity0 pushed a commit to branch debian
in repository msva-perl.

commit 06bc9a7e63c6acd8bfe52e2794bf3e2561f28e6d
Author: Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg at fifthhorseman.net>
Date:   Sun Oct 3 03:53:01 2010 -0400

    build a first-pass marginal prompt
 msva-perl | 73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 72 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/msva-perl b/msva-perl
index d22ea71..70417f3 100755
--- a/msva-perl
+++ b/msva-perl
@@ -504,8 +504,79 @@ use strict;
               $lastloop = 1;
+          msvalog('debug', "%d subvalid_key_fprs\n", $#subvalid_key_fprs+1);
           foreach my $keyfpr (@subvalid_key_fprs) {
-            msvalog('verbose', "Found sub-valid key 0x%s (validity %s)\n", $keyfpr->{fpr}->as_hex_string, $keyfpr->{val});
+            my $fprx = sprintf('0x%.40s', $keyfpr->{fpr}->as_hex_string);
+            msvalog('debug', "checking on %s\n", $fprx);
+            foreach my $gpgkey ($gnupg->get_public_keys_with_sigs($fprx)) {
+              msvalog('debug', "found key %.40s\n", $gpgkey->fingerprint->as_hex_string);
+              # we're going to prompt the user here if we have any
+              # relevant certifiers:
+              my @valid_certifiers;
+              my @marginal_certifiers;
+              # FIXME: if there are multiple keys in the OpenPGP WoT
+              # with the same key material and the same User ID
+              # attached, we'll be throwing multiple prompts per
+              # query.  That's a mess, but i'm not sure what the
+              # better thing to do is.
+              foreach my $user_id ($gpgkey->user_ids) {
+                msvalog('debug', "found EE User ID %s\n", $user_id->as_string);
+                if ($user_id->as_string eq $uid) {
+                  # get a list of the certifiers of the relevant User ID for the key
+                  foreach my $cert (@{$user_id->signatures}) {
+                    if ($cert->hex_id =~ /^([A-Fa-f0-9]{16})$/) {
+                      my $certid = $1;
+                      msvalog('debug', "found certifier 0x%.16s\n", $certid);
+                      if ($cert->is_valid()) {
+                        foreach my $certifier ($gnupg->get_public_keys(sprintf('0x%.40s!', $certid))) {
+                          my $valid_cuid = 0;
+                          my $marginal = undef;
+                          foreach my $cuid ($certifier->user_ids) {
+                            # grab the first full or ultimate user ID on
+                            # this certifier's key:
+                            if ($cuid->validity =~ /^[fu]$/) {
+                              push(@valid_certifiers, { key_id => $cert->hex_id,
+                                                        user_id => $cuid->as_string,
+                                                      } );
+                              $valid_cuid = 1;
+                              last;
+                            } elsif ($cuid->validity =~ /^[m]$/) {
+                              $marginal = { key_id => $cert->hex_id,
+                                            user_id => $cuid->as_string,
+                                          };
+                            }
+                          }
+                          push(@marginal_certifiers, $marginal)
+                            if (! $valid_cuid && defined $marginal);
+                        }
+                      }
+                    } else {
+                      msvalog('error', "certifier ID does not fit expected pattern '%s'\n", $cert->hex_id);
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+                # else ## do we care at all about other User IDs on this key?
+                # We now know the list of fully/ultimately-valid
+                # certifiers, and a separate list of marginally-valid
+                # certifiers.
+                if ($#valid_certifiers == -1) {
+                  msvalog('info', "No valid certifiers, so no marginal UI\n");
+                } else {
+                  my $certifier_list = join("\n", map { sprintf("[%s] %s", $_->{key_id}, $_->{user_id}) } @valid_certifiers);
+                  my $msg = sprintf("The matching key we found for [%s] only has validity %s.\n(Key Fingerprint: 0x%.40s)\n----\nBut it was certified by the following folks:\n%s",
+                                    $uid,
+                                    $keyfpr->{val},
+                                    $keyfpr->{fpr}->as_hex_string,
+                                    $certifier_list,
+                                   );
+                  msvalog('info', "%s\n", $msg);
+                }
+                # FIXME: not doing anything with @marginal_certifiers
+                # -- that'd be yet more queries to gpg :(
+              }
+            }
       } else {

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