[Pkg-privacy-commits] [msva-perl] 257/356: move pkc key extraction functions adjacent to each other
Ximin Luo
infinity0 at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Aug 24 07:42:02 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
infinity0 pushed a commit to branch debian
in repository msva-perl.
commit 15e66cfd9109f4c4b4c18be00c4828aae325c14c
Author: Jameson Rollins <jrollins at finestructure.net>
Date: Fri Dec 24 17:39:22 2010 -0500
move pkc key extraction functions adjacent to each other
NO FUNCITONAL CHANGE. This is just to make the functions easier to
find in the code.
Crypt/Monkeysphere/MSVA.pm | 246 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
1 file changed, 123 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Crypt/Monkeysphere/MSVA.pm b/Crypt/Monkeysphere/MSVA.pm
index 1edbfd3..5dcd6e8 100755
--- a/Crypt/Monkeysphere/MSVA.pm
+++ b/Crypt/Monkeysphere/MSVA.pm
@@ -137,81 +137,6 @@
- sub opensshpubkey2key {
- my $data = shift;
- # FIXME: do we care that the label matches the type of key?
- my ($label, $prop) = split(/ +/, $data);
- my $out = parse_rfc4716body($prop);
- return $out;
- }
- sub rfc47162key {
- my $data = shift;
- my @goodlines;
- my $continuation = '';
- my $state = 'outside';
- foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $data)) {
- last if ($state eq 'body' && $line eq '---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----');
- if ($state eq 'outside' && $line eq '---- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----') {
- $state = 'header';
- next;
- }
- if ($state eq 'header') {
- $line = $continuation.$line;
- $continuation = '';
- if ($line =~ /^(.*)\\$/) {
- $continuation = $1;
- next;
- }
- if (! ($line =~ /:/)) {
- $state = 'body';
- }
- }
- push(@goodlines, $line) if ($state eq 'body');
- }
- msvalog('debug', "Found %d lines of RFC4716 body:\n%s\n",
- scalar(@goodlines),
- join("\n", @goodlines));
- my $out = parse_rfc4716body(join('', @goodlines));
- return $out;
- }
- sub parse_rfc4716body {
- my $data = shift;
- return undef
- unless defined($data);
- $data = decode_base64($data) or return undef;
- msvalog('debug', "key properties: %s\n", unpack('H*', $data));
- my $out = [ ];
- while (length($data) > 4) {
- my $size = unpack('N', substr($data, 0, 4));
- msvalog('debug', "size: 0x%08x\n", $size);
- return undef if (length($data) < $size + 4);
- push(@{$out}, substr($data, 4, $size));
- $data = substr($data, 4 + $size);
- }
- if ($out->[0] ne "ssh-rsa") {
- return {error => 'Not an RSA key'};
- }
- if (scalar(@{$out}) != 3) {
- return {error => 'Does not contain the right number of bigints for RSA'};
- }
- return { exponent => Math::BigInt->from_hex('0x'.unpack('H*', $out->[1])),
- modulus => Math::BigInt->from_hex('0x'.unpack('H*', $out->[2])),
- } ;
- }
# return an arrayref of processes which we can detect that have the
# given socket open (the socket is specified with its inode)
sub getpidswithsocketinode {
@@ -450,54 +375,6 @@
return 0;
- sub pem2der {
- my $pem = shift;
- my @lines = split(/\n/, $pem);
- my @goodlines = ();
- my $ready = 0;
- foreach my $line (@lines) {
- if ($line eq '-----END CERTIFICATE-----') {
- last;
- } elsif ($ready) {
- push @goodlines, $line;
- } elsif ($line eq '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----') {
- $ready = 1;
- }
- }
- msvalog('debug', "%d lines of base64:\n%s\n", $#goodlines + 1, join("\n", @goodlines));
- return decode_base64(join('', @goodlines));
- }
- sub der2key {
- my $rawdata = shift;
- my $cert = Crypt::X509::->new(cert => $rawdata);
- my $key = {error => 'I do not know what happened here'};
- if ($cert->error) {
- $key->{error} = sprintf("Error decoding X.509 certificate: %s", $cert->error);
- } else {
- msvalog('verbose', "cert subject: %s\n", $cert->subject_cn());
- msvalog('verbose', "cert issuer: %s\n", $cert->issuer_cn());
- msvalog('verbose', "cert pubkey algo: %s\n", $cert->PubKeyAlg());
- msvalog('verbose', "cert pubkey: %s\n", unpack('H*', $cert->pubkey()));
- if ($cert->PubKeyAlg() ne 'RSA') {
- $key->{error} = sprintf('public key was algo "%s" (OID %s). MSVA.pl only supports RSA',
- $cert->PubKeyAlg(), $cert->pubkey_algorithm);
- } else {
- msvalog('debug', "decoding ASN.1 pubkey\n");
- $key = $rsa_decoder->decode($cert->pubkey());
- if (! defined $key) {
- msvalog('verbose', "failed to decode %s\n", unpack('H*', $cert->pubkey()));
- $key = {error => 'failed to decode the public key'};
- }
- }
- }
- return $key;
- }
sub get_keyserver_policy {
if ($ENV{MSVA_KEYSERVER_POLICY} =~ /^(always|never|unlessvalid)$/) {
@@ -610,6 +487,129 @@
return $key;
+ sub der2key {
+ my $rawdata = shift;
+ my $cert = Crypt::X509::->new(cert => $rawdata);
+ my $key = {error => 'I do not know what happened here'};
+ if ($cert->error) {
+ $key->{error} = sprintf("Error decoding X.509 certificate: %s", $cert->error);
+ } else {
+ msvalog('verbose', "cert subject: %s\n", $cert->subject_cn());
+ msvalog('verbose', "cert issuer: %s\n", $cert->issuer_cn());
+ msvalog('verbose', "cert pubkey algo: %s\n", $cert->PubKeyAlg());
+ msvalog('verbose', "cert pubkey: %s\n", unpack('H*', $cert->pubkey()));
+ if ($cert->PubKeyAlg() ne 'RSA') {
+ $key->{error} = sprintf('public key was algo "%s" (OID %s). MSVA.pl only supports RSA',
+ $cert->PubKeyAlg(), $cert->pubkey_algorithm);
+ } else {
+ msvalog('debug', "decoding ASN.1 pubkey\n");
+ $key = $rsa_decoder->decode($cert->pubkey());
+ if (! defined $key) {
+ msvalog('verbose', "failed to decode %s\n", unpack('H*', $cert->pubkey()));
+ $key = {error => 'failed to decode the public key'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $key;
+ }
+ sub pem2der {
+ my $pem = shift;
+ my @lines = split(/\n/, $pem);
+ my @goodlines = ();
+ my $ready = 0;
+ foreach my $line (@lines) {
+ if ($line eq '-----END CERTIFICATE-----') {
+ last;
+ } elsif ($ready) {
+ push @goodlines, $line;
+ } elsif ($line eq '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----') {
+ $ready = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ msvalog('debug', "%d lines of base64:\n%s\n", $#goodlines + 1, join("\n", @goodlines));
+ return decode_base64(join('', @goodlines));
+ }
+ sub opensshpubkey2key {
+ my $data = shift;
+ # FIXME: do we care that the label matches the type of key?
+ my ($label, $prop) = split(/ +/, $data);
+ my $out = parse_rfc4716body($prop);
+ return $out;
+ }
+ sub rfc47162key {
+ my $data = shift;
+ my @goodlines;
+ my $continuation = '';
+ my $state = 'outside';
+ foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $data)) {
+ last if ($state eq 'body' && $line eq '---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----');
+ if ($state eq 'outside' && $line eq '---- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----') {
+ $state = 'header';
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($state eq 'header') {
+ $line = $continuation.$line;
+ $continuation = '';
+ if ($line =~ /^(.*)\\$/) {
+ $continuation = $1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (! ($line =~ /:/)) {
+ $state = 'body';
+ }
+ }
+ push(@goodlines, $line) if ($state eq 'body');
+ }
+ msvalog('debug', "Found %d lines of RFC4716 body:\n%s\n",
+ scalar(@goodlines),
+ join("\n", @goodlines));
+ my $out = parse_rfc4716body(join('', @goodlines));
+ return $out;
+ }
+ sub parse_rfc4716body {
+ my $data = shift;
+ return undef
+ unless defined($data);
+ $data = decode_base64($data) or return undef;
+ msvalog('debug', "key properties: %s\n", unpack('H*', $data));
+ my $out = [ ];
+ while (length($data) > 4) {
+ my $size = unpack('N', substr($data, 0, 4));
+ msvalog('debug', "size: 0x%08x\n", $size);
+ return undef if (length($data) < $size + 4);
+ push(@{$out}, substr($data, 4, $size));
+ $data = substr($data, 4 + $size);
+ }
+ if ($out->[0] ne "ssh-rsa") {
+ return {error => 'Not an RSA key'};
+ }
+ if (scalar(@{$out}) != 3) {
+ return {error => 'Does not contain the right number of bigints for RSA'};
+ }
+ return { exponent => Math::BigInt->from_hex('0x'.unpack('H*', $out->[1])),
+ modulus => Math::BigInt->from_hex('0x'.unpack('H*', $out->[2])),
+ } ;
+ }
+## PKC KEY EXTRACTION ############################
sub reviewcert {
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