[Pkg-privacy-commits] [tor-monitor] 15/39: Add documentation
Sascha Steinbiss
sascha-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Aug 25 18:00:44 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
sascha-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository tor-monitor.
commit 923837051c6f639c1338ec478f6b214da1267cf1
Author: Tails developers <tails at boum.org>
Date: Sat Feb 21 17:03:20 2015 +0100
Add documentation
tormonitor | 154 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 152 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tormonitor b/tormonitor
index a21c2f0..a254685 100755
--- a/tormonitor
+++ b/tormonitor
@@ -44,12 +44,20 @@ else:
class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
+ """Tor Monitor main window
+ This class contains all the UI and the logic to update.
+ """
# Constants used to distinguish circuits and streams in our TreeStore
def __init__(self, app):
+ """Create a new TorMonitorWindow
+ :var Gtk.Application app: the application which own the window
+ """
Gtk.Window.__init__(self, application=app)
self._listeners_initialized = False
@@ -71,6 +79,8 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
def _create_ui(self):
+ """Creates the user interface
+ """
self.set_default_size(600, 400)
self.connect('delete-event', self.delete_event_cb)
@@ -130,6 +140,11 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
def delete_event_cb(self, widget, event, data=None):
+ """Hide the window immediately on close.
+ This callback is connected to window's 'delete-event' and forces Gtk to
+ hide the window while waiting for all threads to close.
+ """
logging.info("quitting, waiting all threads to return...")
while Gtk.events_pending():
@@ -140,8 +155,11 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
# =====================
def init_listeners(self):
- # Connect our handlers to Tor event listeners. Our handlers won't be
- # executed in the main thread.
+ """Connect our handlers to Tor event listeners
+ """
+ # These handlers won't be executed in the main thread, they will have to
+ # do the real work in another method executed in the main thread by
+ # GLib.idle_add in order not to make Gtk crazy.
if not self._listeners_initialized:
@@ -151,14 +169,20 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
self._listeners_initialized = True
def update_circ_handler(self, circ_event):
+ """Handler for stem.control.EventType.CIRC
+ """
# Handle the event in main thread
GLib.idle_add(self.update_circ_cb, circ_event)
def update_stream_handler(self, stream_event):
+ """Handler for stem.control.EventType.STREAM
+ """
# Handle the event in main thread
GLib.idle_add(self.update_stream_cb, stream_event)
def update_status_handler(self, controller, state, timestamp):
+ """Handler for stem.control.BaseController.add_status_listener
+ """
if state == stem.control.State.CLOSED:
GLib.timeout_add_seconds(1, self.controller_reconnect_cb)
@@ -169,15 +193,28 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
# =======================
def connection_closed_cb(self):
+ """Update the UI after we lost conection to the Tor daemon
+ This callback is called when we lost connection with the Tor daemon.
+ :returns: **False**
+ """
logging.debug("Controller connection closed")
self._infobar_label.set_text(_("Lost connection to the Tor daemon. "
"Tor Monitor will try to reconnect..."))
+ self._treestore.clear()
return False
def connection_init_cb(self):
+ """Update the UI after a (re)connection to the Tor daemon
+ This callback is called when we (re)connect to the Tor daemon.
+ :returns: **False**
+ """
logging.debug("Controller initialized")
self._infobar_label.set_text(_("Reconnected to the Tor daemon! "
@@ -190,6 +227,16 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
return False
def controller_reconnect_cb(self):
+ """Try to reconnect to the Tor daemon
+ This callback is called regularly by self.update_status_handler if the
+ connection to the Tor daemon is lost. It calls self.connection_init_cb
+ after a successful reconnection.
+ :returns: **bool** that's **False** if we reconnected successfully and
+ **True** if we failed to reconnect (so that GLib.timeout_add will call
+ the method again).
+ """
logging.debug("Trying to reconnect the controller")
@@ -200,6 +247,16 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
return False
def controller_connect_cb(self):
+ """Try to connect to the Tor daemon for the 1st time
+ This callback is called regularly by self.__init__ if there is no
+ connection to the Tor daemon at startup. It calls
+ self.connection_init_cb after a successful connection.
+ :returns: **bool** that's **False** if we connected successfully and
+ **True** if we failed to connect (so that GLib.timeout_add will call
+ the method again).
+ """
logging.debug("Trying to connect the controller")
controller = self.get_application().connect_controller()
if controller:
@@ -213,6 +270,12 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
# =========================
def remove_treeiter(self, treeiter):
+ """Remove a treeiter from our circuits/streams list if it is valid
+ :var Gtk.TreeIter treeiter: the treeiter to remove
+ :returns: **False**
+ """
if self._treestore.iter_is_valid(treeiter):
@@ -227,6 +290,12 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
def circuit_label(circuit):
+ """Returns a label for a circuit
+ :var stem.response.events.CircuitEvent circuit: the circuit
+ :returns: **str** representing the circuit
+ """
if circuit.path:
circ_str = _(', ').join([nick for fp, nick in circuit.path])
@@ -234,6 +303,12 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
return circ_str
def add_circuit(self, circuit):
+ """Adds a circuit to our circuits/streams list
+ :var stem.response.events.CircuitEvent circuit: the circuit
+ :returns: the :class:`Gtk.TreeIter` corresponding to the circuit
+ """
circ_iter = self._treestore.append(None,
@@ -243,6 +318,10 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
return circ_iter
def update_circuit(self, circuit):
+ """Updates a circuit in our circuits/streams list
+ :var stem.response.events.CircuitEvent circuit: the circuit
+ """
logging.debug("updating circuit %s" % circuit)
if circuit.reason:
status = _("%s: %s") % (str(circuit.status).capitalize(),
@@ -255,15 +334,30 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
3, status)
def remove_circuit(self, circuit):
+ """Remove a circuit from our circuits/streams list
+ :var stem.response.events.CircuitEvent circuit: the circuit
+ """
del self._circ_to_iter[circuit.id]
def remove_circuit_delayed(self, circuit):
+ """Remove a circuit from our circuits/streams list after a delay
+ The delay gives the user time to read the reason of the removal.
+ :var stem.response.events.CircuitEvent circuit: the circuit
+ """
circ_iter = self._circ_to_iter[circuit.id]
del self._circ_to_iter[circuit.id]
GLib.timeout_add_seconds(5, self.remove_treeiter, circ_iter)
def update_circ_cb(self, circ_event):
+ """Updates the circuits/streams list in response to a the
+ :class:`stem.response.events.CircuitEvent`
+ :var stem.response.events.CircuitEvent circ_event: the circuit event
+ """
if circ_event.id not in self._circ_to_iter:
@@ -277,9 +371,21 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
def stream_label(stream):
+ """Returns a label for a stream
+ :var stem.response.events.StreamEvent stream: the stream
+ :returns: **str** representing the stream
+ """
return "%s" % stream.target
def add_stream(self, stream):
+ """Adds a circuit to our circuits/streams list
+ :var stem.response.events.StreamEvent stream: the stream
+ :returns: the :class:`Gtk.TreeIter` corresponding to the stream
+ """
if not stream.circ_id:
return None
circ_iter = self._circ_to_iter[stream.circ_id]
@@ -296,6 +402,10 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
return stream_iter
def update_stream(self, stream):
+ """Updates a stream in our circuits/streams list
+ :var stem.response.events.StreamEvent stream: the stream
+ """
stream_iter = self._stream_to_iter[stream.id]
if stream.circ_id != self._treestore.get_value(stream_iter, 1):
# The stream doesn't belong its parent circuit anymore. Remove it.
@@ -310,16 +420,31 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
self._treestore.set(stream_iter, 3, str(stream.status).capitalize())
def remove_stream(self, stream):
+ """Remove a stream from our circuits/streams list
+ :var stem.response.events.StreamEvent stream: the stream
+ """
del self._stream_to_iter[stream.id]
def remove_stream_delayed(self, stream):
+ """Remove a stream from our circuits/streams list after a delay
+ The delay gives the user time to read the reason of the removal.
+ :var stem.response.events.StreamEvent stream: the stream
+ """
stream_iter = self._stream_to_iter[stream.id]
if stream_iter:
del self._stream_to_iter[stream.id]
GLib.timeout_add_seconds(5, self.remove_treeiter, stream_iter)
def update_stream_cb(self, stream_event):
+ """Updates the circuits/streams list in response to a the
+ :class:`stem.response.events.StreamEvent`
+ :var stem.response.events.StreamEvent stream_event: the stream event
+ """
if stream_event.id not in self._stream_to_iter:
@@ -330,6 +455,8 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
def populate_treeview(self):
+ """Synchronize the circuits/streams list with the Tor daemon
+ """
self._circ_to_iter = {}
self._stream_to_iter = {}
@@ -344,6 +471,14 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
# ===============
def cb_treeselection_changed(self, treeselection, data=None):
+ """Handle selection change in the circuits/streams list
+ Display details for the circuit selected in the circuits/streams list
+ :var Gtk.TreeSelection treeselection: the selection
+ :returns: **True**
+ """
(model, selected_iter) = treeselection.get_selected()
if not selected_iter:
return False
@@ -363,6 +498,10 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
return False
def show_circuit_details(self, circuit):
+ """Display details for a circuit
+ :var stem.response.events.CircuitEvent circuit: the circuit
+ """
logging.debug("looking up details for %s" % circuit)
# Replace the old content of _path by a fresh ListBox.
@@ -376,6 +515,11 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
def display_node(self, status_entry):
+ """Display details for a node
+ :var stem.descriptor.router_status_entry.RouterStatusEntryMicroV3
+ status_entry: the status entry for the node
+ """
country = self.controller.get_info("ip-to-country/%s" % status_entry.address)
if pycountry:
country = pycountry.countries.get(alpha2=country.upper()).name
@@ -408,6 +552,10 @@ class TorMonitorWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
class TorMonitorApplication(Gtk.Application):
+ """Tor Monitor application
+ :var stem.control.Controller controller: a controller to the Tor daemon
+ """
def __init__(self):
@@ -415,6 +563,8 @@ class TorMonitorApplication(Gtk.Application):
def connect_controller(self):
+ """Connects the controller to the Tor daemon.
+ """
self.controller = stem.connection.connect_socket_file()
return self.controller
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-privacy/packages/tor-monitor.git
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