[Pkg-privacy-commits] [torbirdy] 09/53: Also apply TorBirdy's account tweaks after autoconfiguraion.
Ulrike Uhlig
u-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jul 2 20:08:04 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
u-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag 0.2.0
in repository torbirdy.
commit 56c72de801a816a3f0e231a37a2dff5b7cf3bffb
Author: anonym <anonym at riseup.net>
Date: Wed Mar 9 18:53:34 2016 +0100
Also apply TorBirdy's account tweaks after autoconfiguraion.
This fixes Tails bug #11204:
chrome/content/emailwizard.js | 70 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
1 file changed, 44 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
diff --git a/chrome/content/emailwizard.js b/chrome/content/emailwizard.js
index f149446..baf1ef5 100644
--- a/chrome/content/emailwizard.js
+++ b/chrome/content/emailwizard.js
@@ -12,6 +12,36 @@ if(!org.torbirdy.emailwizard) org.torbirdy.emailwizard = new function() {
disableWizard = true;
+ fixupTorbirdySettingsOnNewAccount = function(account) {
+ var idkey = account.defaultIdentity.key;
+ var serverkey = account.incomingServer.key;
+ var protocol = account.incomingServer.type;
+ // Make sure that drafts are saved to Local Folders if it is an IMAP account.
+ if (protocol === "imap") {
+ var draftFolder = 'mail.identity.%idkey%.draft_folder';
+ var draftFolderPref = draftFolder.replace("%idkey%", idkey);
+ prefs.setCharPref(draftFolderPref, "mailbox://nobody@Local%20Folders/Drafts");
+ }
+ // Set check_new_mail to false. We can't do this through the account setup, so let's do it here.
+ var checkNewMail = 'mail.server.%serverkey%.check_new_mail';
+ var checkNewMailPref = checkNewMail.replace("%serverkey%", serverkey);
+ prefs.setBoolPref(checkNewMailPref, false);
+ // Do not check for new messages at startup.
+ var loginAtStartup = 'mail.server.%serverkey%.login_at_startup';
+ var loginAtStartupPref = loginAtStartup.replace("%serverkey%", serverkey);
+ prefs.setBoolPref(loginAtStartupPref, false);
+ // Do not automatically download new messages.
+ if (protocol === "pop3") {
+ var downloadOnBiff = 'mail.server.%serverkey%.download_on_biff';
+ var downloadOnBiffPref = downloadOnBiff.replace("%serverkey%", serverkey);
+ prefs.setBoolPref(downloadOnBiffPref, false);
+ }
+ }
pub.adjustAutoWizard = function() {
if (!disableWizard) {
var realname = document.getElementById("realname").value;
@@ -66,31 +96,8 @@ if(!org.torbirdy.emailwizard) org.torbirdy.emailwizard = new function() {
replaceVariables(config, realname, email, password);
config.rememberPassword = rememberPassword && !!password;
- var newAccount = createAccountInBackend(config);
- // Set check_new_mail to false. We can't do this through the account setup, so let's do it here.
- var checkNewMail = 'mail.server.%serverkey%.check_new_mail';
- var serverkey = newAccount.incomingServer.key;
- var checkNewMailPref = checkNewMail.replace("%serverkey%", serverkey);
- prefs.setBoolPref(checkNewMailPref, false);
- // Make sure that drafts are saved to Local Folders if it is an IMAP account.
- if (protocol === "imap") {
- var identity = newAccount.defaultIdentity;
- identity.draftFolder = "mailbox://nobody@Local%20Folders/Drafts";
- }
- // Do not check for new messages at startup.
- var loginAtStartup = 'mail.server.%serverkey%.login_at_startup';
- var loginAtStartupPref = loginAtStartup.replace("%serverkey%", serverkey);
- prefs.setBoolPref(loginAtStartupPref, false);
- // Do not automatically download new messages.
- if (protocol === "pop3") {
- var downloadOnBiff = 'mail.server.%serverkey%.download_on_biff';
- var downloadOnBiffPref = downloadOnBiff.replace("%serverkey%", serverkey);
- prefs.setBoolPref(downloadOnBiffPref, false);
- }
+ var new_account = createAccountInBackend(config);
+ fixupTorbirdySettingsOnNewAccount(new_account);
// From comm-release/mailnews/base/prefs/content/accountcreation/emailWizard.js : onAdvancedSetup().
var windowManager = Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
@@ -102,12 +109,23 @@ if(!org.torbirdy.emailwizard) org.torbirdy.emailwizard = new function() {
} else {
"AccountManager", "chrome,centerscreen,modal,titlebar",
- { server: newAccount.incomingServer,
+ { server: new_account.incomingServer,
selectPage: "am-server.xul" });
else {
+ // From comm-release/mailnews/base/prefs/content/accountcreation/emailWizard.js : finish().
+ // We need somewhere to hook in, so we can access the new
+ // account object created through the autoconfig wizard, and
+ // apply Torbirdy's settings on it.
+ gEmailConfigWizard.finish = function() {
+ gEmailWizardLogger.info("creating account in backend");
+ var account = createAccountInBackend(this.getConcreteConfig());
+ fixupTorbirdySettingsOnNewAccount(account);
+ window.close();
+ }
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-privacy/packages/torbirdy.git
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