[Pkg-privacy-commits] [torbirdy] branch debian/sid updated (66d1e5c -> 879ad8b)

Ulrike Uhlig u-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jul 2 21:32:22 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

u-guest pushed a change to branch debian/sid
in repository torbirdy.

      from  66d1e5c   Release 0.1.4-2 to Debian unstable.
      adds  3d625f3   As suggested by anonym on #13721, add en-US locale to chrome.manifest
      adds  19cc1c7   Merge pull request #24 from u451f/patch+13721-default-locale
      adds  c8da9f2   Drop special treatment of Tails vs account creation.
      adds  9ea891f   Fix name.
      adds  63aba79   Simplify.
      adds  f15169e   Let us always disable remote account creation.
      adds  56c72de   Also apply TorBirdy's account tweaks after autoconfiguraion.
      adds  ead0428   Refactor.
      adds  c87a2a2   Switch to Preferences.jsm.
      adds  9b75dee   Simplify.
      adds  a229be9   Improve variable name.
      adds  56150f9   Don't deal with some account settings twice.
      adds  eede7c7   Work around Thunderbird forcing login_at_startup for the first account.
      adds  7fc8da1   Refactor.
      adds  89bf536   Use Tor's SOCKSPort for Enigmail's keyserver configuration.
      adds  7169642   Bug #6314: Round Date header down to nearest minute.
      adds  bfa822d   Merge pull request #26 from arthuredelstein/6314
      adds  04fd3d8   Allow changing the default protocol (#15879)
      adds  0f14f38   helo_argument IP should be encapsulated in []'s
      adds  caaf2b5   Make TorBirdy XPI deterministic (#15459)
      adds  188fbd6   Merge branch 'master' into post-secure-autoconfig
      adds  1da072c   Merge pull request #30 from u451f/post-secure-autoconfig
      adds  602b5d8   Update fetching preference value for default protocol
      adds  c6de028   Do not set the timezone to UTC
      adds  1d08d03   Set authentication for Gmail to OAuth2 (#17118)
      adds  174cd10   Disable HTML for RSS feeds
      adds  0968621   Add overlay to disable automatic checking and fetching of RSS feeds (#19031)
      adds  405564b   Fix indentation in feedwizard.js
      adds  d9f74a8   Configure Riseup accounts automatically
      adds  ff0bf3c   Set calender timezone to UTC
      adds  0f1d01a   Secure NNTP settings on account creation (#7847)
      adds  2bdeffb   Update privacy settings and related preferences
      adds  15e0834   Remove compatibility for older versions of Thunderbird
      adds  31de9e4   Global let/const are no longer properties (bugzilla #1209777)
      adds  26a0def   Reflect TorBirdy's state in UI after uninstall/disable (#10683)
      adds  6b53dfa   Remove redundant patches and associated overlays for #6314 and #6315
      adds  776e7cb   Remove redundant security settings
      adds  7b5fd8c   Prevent third-party images from loading
      adds  b184076   Update comment for last commit
      adds  de8d9fa   Replace 'var' with 'let' for iterations
      adds  c2d74fe   Make extensions.torbirdy.defaultprotocol affect the auto wizard.
      adds  440ee19   Improve code formatting
      adds  454ceb1   Update comments and fix typo
      adds  3fef66c   Set secure defaults for outgoing servers (#19330)
      adds  da02193   Update translations
      adds  2a8e7d8   Use the same port for Enigmail as used in the network settings (#19049)
      adds  c033735   Update log comments
      adds  1319ae8   Update changelog and set version to 0.2.0
      adds  230ba97   Bug 6314: Ensure Date header uses UTC string
      adds  385f4ab   Merge pull request #32 from arthuredelstein/6314+1
      adds  de52ae9   Update port to 9150 (related to #19049)
      adds  06b2419   Update TorBirdy signing key
      adds  3751aa7   Add release date to changelog
       new  5b3335a   Merge tag '0.2.0' into debian/sid
       new  aaed35f   Clean up build instructions
       new  45528f8   Add new Git repository to debian/copyright.
       new  ff02a45   Update debian/watch to new Git repository, thanks Ximin!
       new  a45742d   Add patch for enigmail via system tor port instead of TBB port.
       new  6f2e071   Update socks_port patch
       new  08391f8   delete default locale patch which was applied upstream and add socks port enigmail patch
       new  fa4cc2d   delete default locale patch
       new  1030f9a   debian/changelog for new upstream version.
       new  879ad8b   Get whitespace in patch right

The 10 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 ChangeLog                               | 191 ++++++++++++++++++
 Makefile                                |  34 ++++
 chrome.manifest                         |   4 +-
 chrome/content/composeoverlay.js        |  85 --------
 chrome/content/composeoverlay.xul       |   7 -
 chrome/content/emailwizard.js           | 174 +++++++++++------
 chrome/content/emailwizard.xul          |   2 +-
 chrome/content/feedwizard.js            |  43 ++++
 chrome/content/feedwizard.xul           |  10 +
 chrome/content/nntpwizard.js            |  90 +++++++++
 chrome/content/nntpwizard.xul           |  10 +
 chrome/content/overlay.js               |   7 +-
 chrome/content/preferences.js           | 110 ++---------
 chrome/content/preferences.xul          |  11 --
 chrome/locale/ar/torbirdy.dtd           |   5 -
 chrome/locale/ar/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/ca/torbirdy.dtd           |  27 ++-
 chrome/locale/ca/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/cs/torbirdy.dtd           |   5 -
 chrome/locale/cs/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/da/torbirdy.dtd           |   5 -
 chrome/locale/da/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/de/torbirdy.dtd           |  25 +--
 chrome/locale/de/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/el/torbirdy.dtd           |   7 +-
 chrome/locale/el/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/en-GB/torbirdy.dtd        |   5 -
 chrome/locale/en-GB/torbirdy.properties |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/en/torbirdy.dtd           |   5 -
 chrome/locale/en/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/es/torbirdy.dtd           |   5 -
 chrome/locale/es/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/eu/torbirdy.dtd           |   5 -
 chrome/locale/eu/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/fr/torbirdy.dtd           |  11 +-
 chrome/locale/fr/torbirdy.properties    |  19 +-
 chrome/locale/he/torbirdy.dtd           |   5 -
 chrome/locale/he/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/hu/torbirdy.dtd           |   9 +-
 chrome/locale/hu/torbirdy.properties    |   5 +-
 chrome/locale/id/torbirdy.dtd           |  27 ++-
 chrome/locale/id/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/it/torbirdy.dtd           |   5 -
 chrome/locale/it/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/ko/torbirdy.dtd           |  17 +-
 chrome/locale/ko/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/lv/torbirdy.dtd           |   5 -
 chrome/locale/lv/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/nb/torbirdy.dtd           |  31 ++-
 chrome/locale/nb/torbirdy.properties    |   7 +-
 chrome/locale/nl/torbirdy.dtd           |  11 +-
 chrome/locale/nl/torbirdy.properties    |   5 +-
 chrome/locale/pa/torbirdy.dtd           |   5 -
 chrome/locale/pa/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/pl/torbirdy.dtd           |   5 -
 chrome/locale/pl/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/pt-BR/torbirdy.dtd        |   9 +-
 chrome/locale/pt-BR/torbirdy.properties |   5 +-
 chrome/locale/pt/torbirdy.dtd           |  11 +-
 chrome/locale/pt/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/ro/torbirdy.dtd           |   5 -
 chrome/locale/ro/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/ru/torbirdy.dtd           |  17 +-
 chrome/locale/ru/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/sk/torbirdy.dtd           |   5 -
 chrome/locale/sk/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/sl/torbirdy.dtd           |   7 +-
 chrome/locale/sl/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/sr/torbirdy.dtd           |   6 -
 chrome/locale/sr/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/sv/torbirdy.dtd           |   5 -
 chrome/locale/sv/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/locale/tr/torbirdy.dtd           |  58 +++---
 chrome/locale/tr/torbirdy.properties    |  23 ++-
 chrome/locale/uk/torbirdy.dtd           |   5 -
 chrome/locale/uk/torbirdy.properties    |   3 +-
 chrome/skin/contents.rdf                |   4 -
 components/torbirdy.js                  | 335 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 debian/README.source                    | 175 +++--------------
 debian/changelog                        |  20 ++
 debian/copyright                        |   4 +-
 debian/patches/default-locale           |  20 --
 debian/patches/series                   |   2 +-
 debian/patches/socks_port               |  33 +---
 debian/patches/socks_port_enigmail      |  18 ++
 debian/watch                            |   4 +-
 defaults/preferences/prefs.js           |   1 +
 install.rdf                             |   6 +-
 88 files changed, 976 insertions(+), 916 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 ChangeLog
 create mode 100644 Makefile
 delete mode 100644 chrome/content/composeoverlay.js
 delete mode 100644 chrome/content/composeoverlay.xul
 create mode 100644 chrome/content/feedwizard.js
 create mode 100644 chrome/content/feedwizard.xul
 create mode 100644 chrome/content/nntpwizard.js
 create mode 100644 chrome/content/nntpwizard.xul
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/default-locale
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/socks_port_enigmail

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-privacy/packages/torbirdy.git

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