[Pkg-privacy-commits] [torbrowser-launcher] annotated tag debian/0.2.8-4 created (now 03f845f)
intrigeri at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Oct 30 09:17:50 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
intrigeri pushed a change to annotated tag debian/0.2.8-4
in repository torbrowser-launcher.
at 03f845f (tag)
tagging 58d9a31dd5e6b3cb720babeec0e8e905c8347e23 (commit)
replaces v0.2.8
tagged by intrigeri
on Mon Oct 30 09:14:16 2017 +0000
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
torbrowser-launcher Debian release 0.2.8-4
Holger Levsen (62):
debian/rules: call dh_apparmor for each shipped profile (Closes: #755817)
Include e8350a1c4 from upstream to fix typo in ppa script.
Cleanup AppArmor profiles as per intrigeri's pull request to upstream.
release as 0.1.1-2 to sid
Include 66e44a7dc (as per #751453#63) in debian/patches/intrigeri_gh92-rework-AppArmor-profiles.patch
Merge branch 'master' into debian
* New upstream version. (Closes: #######, #######, #######)
debian/control: Update Vcs-URLs to new git repo location in collab-maint.
Add debian/examples to show how to run torbrowser-launcher, confined with AppArmor, in Xephyr as another user. Read the README!
Fix DEP5 syntax error in debian/copyright, thanks Lintian!
debian/control: add tor to depends.
release as 0.1.2-1 to sid
debian/examples/README: explain why AppArmor is awesome.
debian/examples/README: reformat, add another idea
debian/examples/README: more rewording. final script should be called tbbll
debian/examples/README: mention Tails and Xpra.
cleanup new changelog entry, mark it UNRELEASED
Bump debian/compat to 9 and increase build-dependency to debhelper >= 9.20120909~.
Force usage of python 2.7.
Add lsb-release to build-depends.
Bump standards version to 3.9.6.
Switch Vcs-Browser: to cgit URL.
release as 0.1.5-2
release to sid, see #771964
New upstream version.
Merge tag 'v0.2.1' into debian
release as 0.2.1-1 to sid
release as 0.2.1-2 to sid
Merge tag 'v0.2.2' into debian/sid
upload as 0.2.2-2 to sid and include 0.2.2-1 changelog
Turn the dependency on tor into a Recommends. (Closes: #795240)
Move to section contrib/web, thanks lintian!
Override lintian's pedantic debian-watch-may-check-gpg-signature warning.
Fix apparmor profile self upgrade, Closes: #808140
Add ca-certificates as recommends. (Closes: #805173) (Unless specifically asked to download via tor, tbl will download via https and then ca-certificates are needed.)
Remove upgrade feature from package description (Closes: #812664)
amend 0003-fix-apparmor-profile-to-support-self-upgrade.patch as discussed in #808140
Add ca-certificates as depends. (Closes: #805173)
Add dh-python to build-depends.
sort changelog by relevance
release as 0.2.2-3
Bump standards version to 3.9.7, no changes needed.
debian/control: Use /git/ not /cgit/ in Vcs-* headers.
Merge tag 'v0.2.3' into debian/sid
prepare 0.2.3-1 release, drop debian/patches
release 0.2.3-1
New upstream version which prevents a signature verification attack, see https://github.com/micahflee/torbrowser-launcher/issues/229 for more info.
Fix AppArmor profile to allow self upgrades. Thanks intrigeri for the patch! (Closes: #817267)
release as 0.2.4-1
* Drop patch which has been applied upstream:
Bump standards version to 3.9.8, no changes needed.
Merge tag 'v0.2.4' into debian/sid
Merge remote-tracking branch 'micahlee/master' into debian/sid
Remove obsolete conffile /etc/apparmor.d/torbrowser.start-tor-browser thanks to Paul Wise. (Closes: #805706)
debian/rules: don't try to installed removed file apparmor profile torbrowser.start-tor-browser.
remove useless copyright stub
merge 0.2.4-2: Remove Jacob from uploaders. Believe victims.
release 0.2.6-1
drop obsolete+inaccurate Closes: statement, 824460 and 803171 have been merged
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian/sid
re-release as 0.2.6-1 to have the commits in sensible order
Remove myself from uploaders.
Micah Lee (9):
adding debial directory
Merge branch 'master' into debian
add option to disable accepting links (partial fix for #157)
updated BUILD.md for syntax
updated readme to include Firefox/default browser instructions (#157)
version bump to 0.1.9 and updated changelog
Prevent signature verification attack by passing both data file as well as sig file into gpg (fixes #229)
Prevent attempts at directory traversal attacks, even though they do not look exploitable
Updated CHANGELOG and version bump to 0.2.4
Roger Shimizu (16):
Rebuild as 0.2.7-3~bpo9+1 for stretch-backports
Rebuild as 0.2.7-3~bpo8+1 for jessie-backports-sloppy
Merge tag 'v0.2.8' into debian/sid
Prepare to release 0.2.8-1
d/control: wrap and sort
Add script to build manpage automatically
Remove debian/torbrowser-launcher.1
d/patches: Add a patch to support sysvinit systems for AppArmor
Merge tag 'debian/0.2.8-1' into debian/stretch-backports
Rebuild as 0.2.8-1~bpo9+1 for stretch-backports
Rebuild as 0.2.8-1~bpo8+1 for jessie-backports-sloppy
Merge branch 'debian/jessie-backports-sloppy' into debian/sid
Prepare to release 0.2.8-2
d/patches: Add patch to update mirror list
d/patches: Add patch of apparmor config
Prepare to release 0.2.8-3
Ulrike Uhlig (50):
Merge tag 'v0.1.3'
Merge branch 'master' into debian
new upstream version v0.1.3. update package description in debian/control.
mark tbl 0.1.3-1 as released to unstable
0.1.3-1_bpo70+1 Rebuild for wheezy-backports
Merge tag 'v0.1.4'
Merge branch 'master' into debian
revert wheezy-backport in changelog
new upstream version in changelog
typo in email
Merge tag 'v0.1.5' into debian
new upstream version 0.1.5
release new upstream version 0.1.5
Merge tag 'v0.1.6' into debian
new upstream version 1.6
release upstream version 0.1.6 to unstable
debian/copyright: license modification / MIT
Merge tag 'v0.1.7' into debian
new upstream version 0.1.7
Merge tag 'v0.1.8' into debian
Merge branch 'debian' of ssh://git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/torbrowser-launcher into debian
new upstream version 0.8.1
the new upstream release would also close another bug
Clarify changelog for new upstream version
Merge tag 'v0.1.9' into debian
Merge tag 'v0.2.0' into debian
debian/changelog: new upstream version
Add AppArmor patches as Debian patches
We don't seem to use pristine-tar anymore
Merge tag 'v0.2.5' into debian/sid
Revert "Add AppArmor patches as Debian patches"
Update debian/changelog.
Until https://github.com/micahflee/torbrowser-launcher/pull/243 is merged, repair apparmor profile via patch and allow tor to run.
Update changelog.
Merge branch 'debian/sid' of ssh://git.debian.org/git/pkg-privacy/packages/torbrowser-launcher into debian/sid
Merge tag 'v0.2.7' into debian/sid
Update changelog
Improve handling of mo files and update changelog
Improve handling of mo files, bump copyright, update changelog.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian/sid' into debian/sid
New upstream version for unstable.
Add patches from Ian R. Learmont's NMU on 0.2.6-3.1
Add missing changelog entry from Ian R. Learmont's NMU on 0.2.6-3.1
Update Ian R. Learmont's patch from NMU on 0.2.6-3.1
Merge tag 'debian/0.2.6-3.1' into debian/sid
Delete patches which were merged upstream.
Use correct version information. 0.2.7-1 was released to experimental before.
Remove dependency for wmctrl.
Change email address for maintainer
Prepare new version with a dependency less.
Ximin Luo (1):
hand over package to pkg-privacy team
intrigeri (25):
Import AppArmor profiles updates from upstream (Closes: #761663).
Fix short BSD license name in debian/copyright.
torbrowser-launcher (0.1.4-2)
AppArmor-allow-Tor-Browser-to-use-shared-libraries-s.patch: new patch, that extends the torbrowser.Browser.firefox AppArmor profile so that Tor Browser 4.5 and 5.0 can run.
debian/copyright: don't include the Expat license's text twice.
Include-local-overrides-file-in-AppArmor-profiles.-C.patch: new patch, to include local overrides file in AppArmor profiles. (Closes: #751451)
Set-torbrowser.start-tor-browser-and-usr.bin.torbrow.patch: new patch, that sets torbrowser.start-tor-browser and usr.bin.torbrowser-launcher AppArmor profiles to complain mode.
torbrowser-launcher (0.2.0-2)
Merge tag 'debian/0.2.1-1' into debian/sid
Add debian/gbp.conf to automated selection of the packaging branch.
Update debian/changelog.
Drop AppArmor-allow-Tor-Browser-to-use-shared-libraries-s.patch: applied upstream.
Refresh patches.
Update debian/changelog.
Fix typo.
Rename patch to leave room in the AppArmor patches namespace.
Document where AppArmor-don-t-prevent-Tor-from-starting.patch comes from.
AppArmor-support-merged-usr-systems.patch: new patch cherry-picked from upstream, adding support for merged-/usr systems in the AppArmor profiles.
Update debian/changelog
torbrowser-launcher (0.2.6-3)
Stop shipping /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.torbrowser-launcher and clean it up with rm_conffile.
Add patches to make torbrowser-launcher work with AppArmor enabled on Linux 4.14.
Update debian/changelog
Ensure we don't ship the usr.bin.torbrowser-launcher conffile.
torbrowser-launcher (0.2.8-4)
u451f (3):
update for new upstream version
new packaging files. transferring maintainership
packaging files for 0.1.1
This annotated tag includes the following new commits:
new 3c19767 Ensure we don't ship the usr.bin.torbrowser-launcher conffile.
new 58d9a31 torbrowser-launcher (0.2.8-4)
The 2 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-privacy/packages/torbrowser-launcher.git
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