[Pkg-privacy-commits] [tails-installer] 18/70: Fix feature: 9005

Ulrike Uhlig ulrike at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Nov 20 14:54:53 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ulrike pushed a commit to annotated tag tails-installer_4.20
in repository tails-installer.

commit ac9f61e73fd51be57babda43ac212fce191931d3
Author: kurono <andres.gomez at cern.ch>
Date:   Fri Feb 5 16:26:53 2016 +0100

    Fix feature: 9005
    Initial implementation of required methods.
 data/tails-installer.ui |   1 +
 tails_installer/gui.py  | 104 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 2 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/data/tails-installer.ui b/data/tails-installer.ui
index 9b08493..9983582 100644
--- a/data/tails-installer.ui
+++ b/data/tails-installer.ui
@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@
             <property name="visible">True</property>
             <property name="can_focus">False</property>
             <property name="model">liststore_target</property>
+            <signal name="changed" handler="on_target_changed" swapped="no"/>
             <property name="expand">False</property>
diff --git a/tails_installer/gui.py b/tails_installer/gui.py
index 8c9c445..b801439 100755
--- a/tails_installer/gui.py
+++ b/tails_installer/gui.py
@@ -407,6 +407,79 @@ class TailsInstallerWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
     def on_source_file_set(self, filechooserbutton):
+    def on_target_changed(self, combobox_target):
+        print("Implement me")
+        # get selected device
+        #drive = get_selected_drive()
+        #device = self.live.drives[drive]
+        #### Inside tails
+        #if is_running_from_tails():
+            # If check box "Clone from ISO"
+            #source = ISO
+            # else if check box "Clone from current device"
+            #source = device
+        # If device has not a valid recognized Tails partition
+        #if not is_device_tails_intallation(self, device):
+           # Install.
+        # else If tails is already there?
+        #else:
+            # If not persistence
+            # Upgrade deleting persistence.
+            # else If persistence is there?
+            # Is this a new requirement?
+            # Well yes, this makes a big difference on wether install,
+            # upgrade or etc. hmm, check how difficult is to do it.
+            # Upgrade without deleting persistence.
+    def is_device_tails_intallation(self, device):
+        # Check if the device has a valid Tails partition
+        if not self.opts.partition and not self.live.device_can_be_upgraded(device):
+            if is_running_from_tails():
+                action = _('\"Clone & Install\"')
+            else:
+                action = _('\"Install from ISO\"')
+            pretty_name = self.get_device_pretty_name(info)
+            message = _('It is impossible to upgrade the device %(pretty_name)s'
+                       ' because it was not created using Tails Installer.'
+                       ' You should instead use %(action)s to upgrade Tails'
+                       ' on this device.') % {
+                       'pretty_name' : pretty_name,
+                       'action'      : action
+            }
+            self.status(message)
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+    def get_device_pretty_name(self, device):
+        size = _format_bytes_in_gb(device['parent_size']
+                                    if device['parent_size']
+                                    else device['size'])
+        details = (_("%(size)s %(label)s") % {
+                    'label': device['label'],
+                    'size': size
+        }
+                if device['label']
+                else size)
+        pretty_name = _("%(vendor)s %(model)s (%(details)s) - %(device)s") % {
+                    'device':  device['device'],
+                    'vendor':  device['vendor'],
+                    'model':   device['model'],
+                    'details': details
+        }
+        return pretty_name
+    def is_device_persistence(self, device):
+        # Skip LUKS-encrypted partitions
+        if device['fstype'] and device['fstype'] == 'crypto_LUKS':
+            self.live.log.debug('Skipping LUKS-encrypted partition: %s' % info['device'])
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
     def on_start_clicked(self, button):
@@ -468,21 +541,7 @@ class TailsInstallerWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
                 if info['fstype'] and info['fstype'] == 'crypto_LUKS':
                     self.live.log.debug('Skipping LUKS-encrypted partition: %s' % info['device'])
-                size = _format_bytes_in_gb(info['parent_size']
-                                           if info['parent_size']
-                                           else info['size'])
-                details = (_("%(size)s %(label)s") % {
-                                'label': info['label'],
-                                'size': size
-                            }
-                           if info['label']
-                           else size)
-                pretty_name = _("%(vendor)s %(model)s (%(details)s) - %(device)s") % {
-                    'device':  info['device'],
-                    'vendor':  info['vendor'],
-                    'model':   info['model'],
-                    'details': details
-                }
+                pretty_name = self.get_device_pretty_name(info)
                 # Skip too small devices, but inform the user
                 if not info['is_device_big_enough']:
                     message =_('The device "%(pretty_name)s"'
@@ -495,21 +554,6 @@ class TailsInstallerWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
-                # Skip devices without a Tails installation
-                if not self.opts.partition and not self.live.device_can_be_upgraded(info):
-                    if is_running_from_tails():
-                        action = _('\"Clone & Install\"')
-                    else:
-                        action = _('\"Install from ISO\"')
-                    message = _('It is impossible to upgrade the device %(pretty_name)s'
-                               ' because it was not created using Tails Installer.'
-                               ' You should instead use %(action)s to upgrade Tails'
-                               ' on this device.') % {
-                               'pretty_name' : pretty_name,
-                               'action'      : action
-                    }
-                    self.status(message)
-                    continue
                 self.__liststore_target.append([pretty_name, device])
                 self.target_available = True

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-privacy/packages/tails-installer.git

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