[Pkg-privacy-commits] [tails-installer] annotated tag tails/5.0.4+dfsg-0tails1 created (now 97839ae)
anonym-tails-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jan 22 14:05:37 UTC 2018
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
anonym-tails-guest pushed a change to annotated tag tails/5.0.4+dfsg-0tails1
in repository tails-installer.
at 97839ae (tag)
tagging 121884d7dbf26b801a43c248913cdb5ee1b0be40 (commit)
replaces upstream/5.0.4+dfsg
tagged by anonym
on Mon Jan 22 15:04:49 2018 +0100
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
tails-installer Debian release 5.0.4+dfsg-0tails1
Tails (1):
Update changelog.
Tails developers (227):
Import Debian patches v3.11.4-1.
Add dependency on python-configobj.
Add gbp.conf.
Don't version build-dependency on python-distutils-extra.
Add missing dependencies.
Update debian/changelog.
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Update debian/changelog
Add missing dependency on mtools.
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Update debian/changelog
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Update debian/changelog
Add missing dependency on gdisk
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Update debian/changelog
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Update debian/changelog
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Update debian/changelog
Go back to 1.0 source format.
Recommend extlinux instead of depending on it.
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Update debian/changelog.
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Merge branch 'master' into debian
New snapshot.
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Update debian/changelog.
Merge branch 'master' into debian
New snapshot.
Merge branch 'master' into debian
New snapshot.
Explicitly specify 1.0 source format.
Build-depend on debhelper (>= 7.0.50~).
Build-depend on python rather than python-dev.
Fix debian/copyright.
Override some Lintian false positives.
Merge branch 'master' into debian
New snapshot.
Move binary Lintian override where it belongs.
Add myself to uploaders.
New snapshot.
Merge branch 'master' into debian
New snapshot
Fix help.
Add, build and install manpage.
Merge branch 'master' into debian
New snapshot.
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.4-2)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Releasing 3.11.4-3.
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Releasing 3.11.4-4.
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Releasing 3.11.4-5.
Merge branch 'master' into debian
New snapshot
Merge branch 'master' into debian
New snapshot
Merge branch 'master' into debian
New snapshot
Merge branch 'master' into debian
New snapshot
Merge branch 'master' into debian
New snapshot
Releasing 3.11.4-6.
Merge branch 'master' into debian
New snapshot.
Merge branch 'master' into debian
New snapshot.
Release liveusb-creator (3.11.4-7).
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Release liveusb-creator (3.11.4-8).
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Releasing liveusb-creator (3.11.4-9)
Fix typo.
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Releasing liveusb-creator (3.11.4-10)
Add missing dependency on genisoimage, that provides the isoinfo program.
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Releasing liveusb-creator (3.11.6-1).
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Releasing liveusb-creator (3.11.6-2).
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-3)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Release liveusb-creator 3.11.6-4
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-5)
Fix typo in the Debian maintainer's name.
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Releasing liveusb-creator (3.11.6-6)
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-6+wheezy1)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Add Homepage, Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser control fields.
Add watch file.
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-7)
Drop dependency on python-parted: it's not used by any reachable code path anymore.
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-8)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-9)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-10)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-11)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-12)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-13)
Merge branch 'debian' into wheezy
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-13+wheezy1)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-14)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-15)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-16)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-17)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-18)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-19)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-20)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-21)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-22)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-23)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-24)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-25)
Merge branch 'feature/uefi' into debian_feature-uefi
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-25+feature.uefi.1.gitf1c3fe8)
Merge branch 'feature/uefi' into debian_feature-uefi
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-25+feature.uefi.2.git3ff95a0)
Merge branch 'feature/uefi' into debian_feature-uefi
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-25+feature.uefi.3.gitf60c886)
Merge branch 'feature/uefi' into debian_feature-uefi
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-25+feature.uefi.4.git83b85bb)
Merge tag 'debian/3.11.6-25' into wheezy
Adjust gbp.conf to make it easier to work in the wheezy branch.
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-25+wheezy1)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-26)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-27)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-28)
Merge branch 'feature/uefi' into debian_feature-uefi
Merge branch 'debian' into debian_feature-uefi
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-29)
Merge branch 'debian' into wheezy
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-29+wheezy1)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-30)
Merge tag 'debian/3.11.6-30' into wheezy
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-30+wheezy1)
Merge branch 'debian' into debian_feature-uefi
Merge branch 'wheezy' into debian_feature-uefi
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-31)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-32)
Merge tag 'debian/3.11.6-32' into wheezy
Revert "Adjust gbp.conf to make it easier to work in the wheezy branch."
liveusb-creator (3.11.6-33)
Merge branch 'feature/uefi' into debian_feature-uefi
Merge branch 'debian' into debian_feature-uefi
Merge branch 'feature/logo' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-1)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Merge branch 'debian' into debian_feature-uefi
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-1+feature.uefi.1)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-2)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-3)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-4)
Merge branch 'debian_feature-uefi' into debian with strategy "ours".
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-5)
Merge branch 'bugfix/7345-upgrade-from-iso-from-1.0-to-1.1' into debian_bugfix-7345-upgrade-from-iso-from-1.0-to-1.1
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-5.bugfix.7345~1.gbp7b64eb)
Merge branch 'bugfix/7345-upgrade-from-iso-from-1.0-to-1.1' into debian_bugfix-7345-upgrade-from-iso-from-1.0-to-1.1
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-5.bugfix.7345~2.gbp05a6d6)
Merge branch 'bugfix/7345-upgrade-from-iso-from-1.0-to-1.1' into debian_bugfix-7345-upgrade-from-iso-from-1.0-to-1.1
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-5.bugfix.7345~3.gbp21039c)
Merge branch 'debian_bugfix-7345-upgrade-from-iso-from-1.0-to-1.1' into debian
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-6)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-7)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-8)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-9)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-10)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-11)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-12)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-13)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-14)
Merge branch 'bugfix/6092-drop-racy-code' into debian_bugfix-6092-drop-racy-code
liveusb-creator 3.11.6+tails1-14+bugfix.6092.drop.racy.code~1.gbp52a4df
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Merge branch 'debian_bugfix-6092-drop-racy-code' into debian
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-15)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-16)
use recent standard version in debian/control
fix typo
Fix help.
Ulrike Uhlig (89):
Merge tag 'upstream/4.2+dfsg' into tails/jessie
liveusb-creator (4.2+dfsg-0tails1)
Add syslinux and policykit-1 as dependencies.
Add lintian override for debian/watch
Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.1+dfsg' into tails/jessie
liveusb-creator (4.4.1+dfsg-0tails1)
Rename as tails-installer
Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.1+dfsg' into tails/jessie
Debian changelog lines are too long
Update to tails-installer rename
Tails#10374 drop dependency on isomd5sum
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Update Debian changelog
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into tails/jessie
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into tails/jessie
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.2+dfsg' into tails/jessie
tails-installer (4.4.2+dfsg-0tails1)
debian changelog line too long
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' of https://git-tails.immerda.ch/liveusb-creator into tails/jessie
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.2+dfsg' into debian/sid
Changing debian Maintainer, until we figure out if we can do team maintenance.
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
update debian maintainer and uploader fields
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into tails/jessie
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into tails/jessie
Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.3+dfsg' into tails/jessie
tails-installer (4.4.3+dfsg-0tails1)
debian/copyright new file name for usb-creator-gtk.svg, now named tails-installer.svg
#10538 Add a patch to treat tails-installer as helper
#10538 Add a patch to treat tails-installer as helper
Update debian/changelog
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Update debian/changelog for Debian release
Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.4+dfsg' into tails/jessie
tails-installer (4.4.4+dfsg-0tails1)
Add patch description
Merge remote-tracking branch 'installer/feature/jessie' into debian/sid
Merge remote-tracking branch 'installer/debian/sid' into debian/sid
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Merge remote-tracking branch 'installer/debian/sid' into debian/sid
Merge branch 'debian/sid' of git.tails.boum.org:451f/liveusb-creator into debian/sid
Correct debian/changelog
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Release new upstream version 4.4.7
Debian packaging Git repository now lives on Alioth.
Debian packaging Git repository now lives on Alioth.
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' of git.tails.boum.org:liveusb-creator into tails/jessie
Add README.source for building this package.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'installer/tails/jessie' into tails/jessie
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Update changelog
Update instructions for Ubuntu
Update instructions for Ubuntu PPA upload. SFTP support is currently broken in Debian's dput Debian#505173
Update changelog
Update to new standards version
Delete unused Debian override
Update changelog date
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' of git.tails.boum.org:liveusb-creator into tails/jessie
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Update debian/changelog
Bump standards version.
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' of git.tails.boum.org:liveusb-creator into tails/jessie
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Don't close debian bugs.
As we use these changelos in Debian, they should specify if they close a Debian bug or a Tails bug
As we use these changelos in Debian, they should specify if they close a Debian bug or a Tails bug
New upstream version
Merge branch 'debian/sid' of ssh://git.debian.org/git/pkg-privacy/packages/tails-installer into debian/sid
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' of git.tails.boum.org:liveusb-creator into tails/jessie
Change URL to point to Tails homepage Tails#12688
Merge remote-tracking branch 'installer/tails/jessie' into tails/jessie
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Update changelog
Replace Uploader email with new one
Adjust gbp.conf to debian/sid
Replace Uploader email with new one
Prefix Tails specific bugs otherwise when we upload this package to Debian we will close debian specific bugs.
Merge branch 'tails/master' into debian/sid
Adjust gbp.conf
Update README.source because we changed branches to rely on for Debian packaging.
Update changelog
anonym (49):
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-17)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-18)
Imported Upstream version 4.3.2+dfsg
Imported Upstream version 4.4.7+dfsg
Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.7+dfsg' into tails/jessie
tails-installer (4.4.7+dfsg-0tails1)
Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.8+dfsg' into tails/jessie
tails-installer (4.4.8+dfsg-0tails1)
Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.9+dfsg' into tails/jessie
tails-installer (4.4.9+dfsg-0tails1)
Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.10+dfsg' into tails/jessie
tails-installer (4.4.10+dfsg-0tails1)
Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.11+dfsg' into tails/jessie
tails-installer (4.4.11+dfsg-0tails1)
Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.12+dfsg' into tails/jessie
tails-installer (4.4.12+dfsg-0tails1)
Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.13+dfsg' into tails/jessie
tails-installer (4.4.13+dfsg-0tails1)
Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.14+dfsg' into tails/jessie
tails-installer (4.4.14+dfsg-0tails1)
Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.15+dfsg' into tails/jessie
tails-installer (4.4.15+dfsg-0tails1)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/tails/jessie' into tails/jessie
Drop 10731.patch which was applied upstream.
tails-installer (4.4.15+dfsg-0tails2)
Updated version 4.4.19+dfsg from 'upstream/4.4.19+dfsg'
We are based on Debian Stretch now.
tails-installer (4.4.19+dfsg-0tails1)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'debian/debian/sid' into tails/stretch
Updated version 4.20+dfsg from 'upstream/4.20+dfsg'
Debian packaging: drop everything about the now removed launcher (splash screen).
tails-installer (4.20+dfsg-0tails1)
Move to version 5.x, package on tails/master.
Updated version 5.0+dfsg from 'upstream/5.0+dfsg'
Drop debian/tails-installer.manpages.
tails-installer (5.0+dfsg-0tails1)
Updated version 5.0.1+dfsg from 'upstream/5.0.1+dfsg'
Revert "Drop debian/tails-installer.manpages."
Improve the 5.0 changelog entry.
tails-installer (5.0.1+dfsg-0tails1)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian_bugfix/14809-partition-type-and-flags-with-recent-udisks' into tails/master
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/5.0.2+dfsg'
Drop all patches since they were applied upstream.
tails-installer (5.0.2+dfsg-0tails1)
Revert "Adjust gbp.conf"
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/5.0.4+dfsg'
tails-installer (5.0.4+dfsg-0tails1)
bertagaz (4):
Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.17+dfsg' into tails/jessie
tails-installer (4.4.17+dfsg-0tails1)
Updated version 4.4.18+dfsg from 'upstream/4.4.18+dfsg'
tails-installer (4.4.18+dfsg-0tails1)
intrigeri (102):
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into debian_feature-jessie
Adjust gbp.conf to make it easier to work on the Jessie branches.
Update dependencies to support the move to GIR.
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-16+jessie1)
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into debian_feature-jessie
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-16+jessie2)
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into debian_feature-jessie
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-16+jessie3)
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into debian_feature-jessie
Remove build and runtime dependency on python-qt4-dbus: we don't use D-Bus ourselves anymore.
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into debian_feature-jessie
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-16+jessie4)
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into debian_feature-jessie
Merge branch 'debian' into debian_feature-jessie
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-18+jessie1)
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into debian_feature-jessie
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-18+jessie2)
Merge branch 'feature/gtk3' into debian_feature-gtk3
Update build and runtime dependencies wrt. the port to GTK: drop Qt-related ones, add intltool (build) and gir1.2-gtk-3.0 (runtime).
debian/rules: don't run `make mo' by hand, DistUtilsExtra supposedly handles it in setup.py now.
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-18+jessie2+gtk3~1.gbpdaf9ce)
Merge branch 'feature/gtk3' into debian_feature-gtk3
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-18+jessie2+gtk3~2.gbpd69530)
Merge remote-tracking branch '451f/debian_manpage' into debian
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Merge branch 'debian' into debian_feature-jessie
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into debian_feature-jessie
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Merge branch 'debian' into debian_feature-jessie
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into debian_feature-jessie
Merge branch 'debian_feature-jessie' into debian_feature-gtk3
Merge branch 'feature/gtk3' into debian_feature-gtk3
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-18+jessie2+gtk3~3.gbp68acad)
Merge branch 'feature/gtk3' into debian_feature-gtk3
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-18+jessie2+gtk3~4.gbp5abb19)
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into debian_feature-jessie
liveusb-creator (3.11.6+tails1-18+jessie3)
debian/{gbp.conf,rules}: remove trailing whitespace.
debian/rules: refactor manpage generation targets.
dh_auto_clean: remove liveusb-creator-launcher's manpage as well.
dh_auto_build: also depend on liveusb-creator-launcher's manpage to be generated.
Merge tag 'upstream/4.3+dfsg' into tails/jessie
liveusb-creator (4.3+dfsg-0~1.gbpe59889)
Merge tag 'upstream/4.3.1+dfsg' into tails/jessie
Move source Lintian override where it belongs.
Reflow lines.
Fix name of Lintian tag.
Drop Recommends on extlinux: Tails does not support booting from extN filesystems.
Long description: take into account that upstream does not explicitly support using Tails on SD cards anymore.
debian/control: update upstream Homepage control field.
Use HTTPS in Vcs-* control fields.
liveusb-creator (4.3.1+dfsg-0tails1)
Configure gbp to create tags in the tails/* namespace for Tails packaging.
Adjust gbp.conf for Debian sid.
gbp: don't embed the package name in generated tags.
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Update debian/changelog.
Delete trailing whitespace.
debian/copyright: update upstream copyright years.
debian/copyright: bump copyright years for the packaging.
debian/copyright: update upstream URL in the Source field.
Remove dependency on gdisk: it was used for the hybrid MBR dance, that we stop doing back in July.
debian/{control,copyright}: update upstream homepage URL.
Re-introduce dependency on gdisk. It ships sgdisk, that we do need.
tails-installer (4.4.2+dfsg-0tails2)
Remove newly introduced trailing white space in debian/control.
Make patch description DEP-3 compliant.
Add missing epoch to versioned dependency on syslinux.
tails-installer (4.4.4+dfsg-0tails2)
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Improve phrasing of the long description.
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Don't close ITP bug in older changelog entry.
Adjust gbp.conf for Debian experimental.
tails-installer (4.4.4+dfsg-1)
Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.5+dfsg' into tails/jessie
tails-installer (4.4.5+dfsg-0tails1)
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/experimental
tails-installer (4.4.5+dfsg-1)
Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.6+dfsg' into tails/jessie
tails-installer (4.4.6+dfsg-0tails1)
Add missing dependency on p7zip-full.
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' into debian/sid
Revert gbp.conf to be suited for Debian unstable.
tails-installer (4.4.6+dfsg-1)
Add missing dependency on dosfstools.
Add missing dependency on syslinux-common (Closes: Debian#814489).
Add missing dependency on udisks2.
Add missing dependency on syslinux-common (Closes: Debian#814489).
Add missing dependency on udisks2.
Import the changes for #10731 as a quilt patch.
tails-installer (4.4.14+dfsg-0tails2)
Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.16+dfsg' into tails/jessie
Clean up and correct changelog for 4.4.15+dfsg-0tails2.
tails-installer (4.4.16+dfsg-0tails1)
Merge branch 'debian/sid' into tails/jessie
Revert "Adjust gbp.conf for Debian sid."
Fix old changelog entry.
Update changelog.
debian/gbp.conf: restore correct value for debian-tag.
Import bugfix/14809-partition-type-and-flags-with-recent-udisks at commit d9b284a as quilt patches (refs: #14809).
tails-installer (5.0.1+dfsg-0tails1+bugfix.14809~1.gbp64627f)
sajolida (2):
Use consistent terminology
Mention that settings can be saved in persistence as well
u (74):
Add a new entry to debian/changelog. Change old Closed bug numbers to Tails#XXX so that it won't mess around with any Debian bugs once this gets uploaded into Debian.
adding a note to the upstream changelog about ne history versions.
Added myself to uploaders.
Added myself to uploaders.
Adding Tails developers to authors file
modify copyright format to be lintian compliant. extend copyright period to 2015
modify debian/control to reflect better what this tool does.
According to Maintainer Guide: For all packages packaged with the dh command in the debian/rules file, you must have debhelper (>=9) in the
switch to source format 3.0 (quilt)
Delete obsolete debian/watch.
correct syntax for license
for now, rename the package to its original name, for testing. add dfsg as suffix.
Exclude windows binaries from source dfsg compat
adding a manpage for liveusb-creator-launcher as each executable should have an own manpage. liveusb-creator's manpage is provided by upstream.
use my branch for gbp.conf, temporarily.
adding ITP bug number to debian/changelog
Tails Installer needs the @syslinux@ command that we ship in the ISO. In Debian, syslinux is only available for i386 and amd64 => likely we'll ship binaries only for these two architectures in the ISO. See Tails#8556
debian/changelogs closed bugs refer to Tails bugs, not Debian bgs, until now. Mark them as such. 'Closes: #1234 as Closes: Tails#1234'
Revert "adding a note to the upstream changelog about ne history versions."
Revert "Adding Tails developers to authors file"
revert commit 1deb673: Copyright years _document_ whatever upstream claims
bump compat to 9, as we now depend on debhelper > 9.
As this is a change applied to the upstream tarball, not to the packaging bits, the version number suffix should be part of the upstream version number, not the packaging part.
Adding Tails Developers to AUTHORS
Indicate in ChangeLog that recent history is versioned in the new, forked upstream repository.
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into installer/debian_feature-jessie_u
Merge commit 1d45bf3377d56325dff0287708b08d3f1ca666f1
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into installer/debian_feature-jessie_u
new package description
update debian/changelog date
fix package description indents
use this branch as debian branch
remove dependency on syslinux, as this command is shipped within the Tails ISO and thus not needed here.
No empty line at the end of the long description of the package.
Revert "use this branch as debian branch"
Adding license information for usb-creator icon
reset gbp.conf to its original value
Update manpage: one may specify a path to an ISO file
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into installer/debian_feature-jessie_clean
switch pristine-tar to true
Merge remote-tracking branch 'installer/debian_feature-jessie' into installer/debian_feature-jessie_clean
liveusb-creator (4.0+dfsg-0tails1)
adjust gbp.conf
Merge tag 'upstream/4.0+dfsg' into tails/jessie
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into tails/jessie
update debian/changelog for liveusb-creator-4.1+dfsg
Merge tag 'upstream/4.1+dfsg' into tails/jessie
Merge branch 'debian_feature-jessie' into tails/jessie
Merge branch 'tails/jessie' of git.tails.boum.org:451f/liveusb-creator into tails/jessie
Delete manpage from debian/
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into tails/jessie
remove duplicate standards-version field, due to merge conflict
fix missing comma, due to merge conflict
Remove pyqt4 dependency
rewrap changelog at 80 chars
remove merge conflict marker
dependency on python-qt4: I think this is the result of a mistake when resolving a merge conflict.
Imported Upstream version 4.1+dfsg
Imported Upstream version 4.1+dfsg
Imported Upstream version 4.1+dfsg
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into tails/jessie
Imported Upstream version 4.1+dfsg
Imported Upstream version 4.1+dfsg
Merge tag 'upstream/4.1+dfsg' into tails/jessie
liveusb-creator (4.1+dfsg-0tails2)
liveusb-creator (4.1+dfsg-0tails2)
Imported Upstream version 4.1+dfsg
Merge tag 'upstream/4.1+dfsg' into tails/jessie
Add policykit & syslinux to Depends:
Merge branch 'debian/sid' of https://git-tails.immerda.ch/liveusb-creator into debian/sid
Merge branch 'debian/sid' of https://git-tails.immerda.ch/liveusb-creator into debian/sid
correct english
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into debian/sid
Merge branch 'feature/jessie' into tails/jessie
This annotated tag includes the following new commits:
new f16d961 Remove the download→enabled config option.
new 403c86b Simplify code logic.
new 780a69b Don't pretend we have a source available before we've initialized self.live.source.
new ebcdeb8 Skip devices too small for cloning, but inform the user (refs: #14622)
new f43ebb2 Refresh the list of candidate target devices when a different source has been selected (refs: #14622).
new 473a463 For partitions, store the partition size in the size attribute instead of the size of the parent drive.
new 98c0f60 Make warning message match code behavior.
new 432fcb3 Move business logic to the backend class.
new 8a18580 Empty the text log when selecting a different operation mode.
new f2cd2a0 Add comment.
new 048f7fe Lint.
new 517e41f Handle better switching between cloning & ISO.
new 4a147b1 Refresh the list of candidate target devices once an ISO has been selected.
new fc533fa Don't trigger code that relies on self.live before it has been defined.
new 73a9098 Drop duplicated code.
new e5481de Have self.source_available consistently updated in on_radio_button_source_iso_toggled.
new 5b80ec2 Explain what's going on with comments
new 3f9413c Generate the list of candidate target devices only once on startup.
new 4a6d50a Set up the log handler before we start doing actions that log stuff.
new 8521c15 Lint and fix typo
new a18a80d Drop OLPC "support".
new cb18941 Lint.
new b60305c Add some more debug logging.
new 8e4a9b4 Don't call update_start_button when it's useless.
new d6968f3 Remove superfluous space.
new 6e99510 Add newline in error message to avoid a line break in the URL.
new c860c1d Fix a regression introduced when reworking size vs. parent_size.
new ec31abb Make exception handling more robust in TailsInstallerThread.
new 6d0f364 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/bugfix/14622-installer-check-space-before-deleting' into master
new 243ca56 Import PO files from Transifex, update POT and PO files.
new dff1503 Revert "Adjust gbp.conf"
new 9bede01 New upstream version 5.0.4+dfsg
new ce78e75 Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/5.0.4+dfsg'
new 121884d tails-installer (5.0.4+dfsg-0tails1)
The 34 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-privacy/packages/tails-installer.git
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