[Pkg-privacy-commits] [torbrowser-launcher] branch debian/experimental updated (5f44efe -> f780a58)
Roger Shimizu
rosh at debian.org
Wed Mar 28 11:51:52 UTC 2018
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
rosh pushed a change to branch debian/experimental
in repository torbrowser-launcher.
from 5f44efe Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian/sid' into debian/sid
adds aa96a90 New upstream version for unstable.
adds 1a66734 Add patches from Ian R. Learmont's NMU on 0.2.6-3.1
adds c6e67f7 Add missing changelog entry from Ian R. Learmont's NMU on 0.2.6-3.1
adds 5d9ef50 Update Ian R. Learmont's patch from NMU on 0.2.6-3.1
adds c001481 Merge tag 'debian/0.2.6-3.1' into debian/sid
adds 11c169e Delete patches which were merged upstream.
adds 8b71821 Use correct version information. 0.2.7-1 was released to experimental before.
adds 0c2a986 Remove dependency for wmctrl.
adds 57f5381 Change email address for maintainer
adds b521ead Prepare new version with a dependency less.
adds 0b5ea6d Remove unused dependency from build instructions
adds 8817677 Update key import function to use gpgme library
adds 57cf114 Add pre-import check that signing keyfile exists; remove asserts
adds b3f951e Remove gnupg_import_ok_pattern no longer needed
adds 89a3c5d Refine import success conditions
adds ff13666 Remove unnecessary comments from import function
adds 360f6ec Make verify function use gpgme library
adds a0090b4 Clean up exception on gpg verify function
adds cd7fd1b Improve exception handling in GPG verify function
adds 0edc065 Cleanup whitespace in verify function
adds 38eee12 Cleanup whitespace in verify function
adds 8c8df74 Fix some PEP 8 style errors and missing references.
adds 1949a94 Add python-gpg as a dependency
adds 1a2e43c Merge branch 'dephekt-master'
adds ce9312b Created a Czech translation
adds 3b3d2f0 Merge branch 'czech_translation' of https://github.com/mrksu/torbrowser-launcher into mrksu-czech_translation
adds 61dd83a Merge branch 'mrksu-czech_translation'
adds 28503ed Add Hungarian Language Support
adds dd96184 desktop files Hungarian support
adds 6cb6aa5 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/blackPantherOS/torbrowser-launcher into blackPantherOS-master
adds 8d059b9 Merge branch 'blackPantherOS-master'
adds d3635c9 Fix gnome-shell icon issue
adds e57d117 Merge branch 'femmetasm-patch-1'
adds d9d4f75 Add import exception handling for gpg module
adds 44ceaf6 Add logic to shell out for verify/import if gpgme lib not present
adds 0081d17 Update build instructions to make python-gpg optional
adds e9d2b1c Merge branch 'dephekt-issue-267'
adds b60187e Fix crash that happens if gpgme is not installed
adds 93e41c9 Update version_check_url
adds a11e699 Merge branch 'update_version_check_url' of https://github.com/boklm/torbrowser-launcher into boklm-update_version_check_url
adds 68ad287 Merge branch 'boklm-update_version_check_url'
adds cdf52a6 AppArmor: add permissions needed for multiprocess Firefox (e10s).
adds 88d862a AppArmor: silence denial logs about permissions we don't need.
adds 979b3d2 AppArmor: use the @{pid} tunable instead of hard-coding our own pattern.
adds dde0ffd AppArmor: allow access to /proc/PID/status.
adds bf59f7e AppArmor: allow access to /sys/devices/system/node/node[0-9]*/meminfo.
adds e459d2e Merge branch 'apparmor-tb-7' of https://github.com/intrigeri/torbrowser-launcher into intrigeri-apparmor-tb-7
adds b4fbda4 Merge branch 'intrigeri-apparmor-tb-7'
adds 2af60db common.py: Add initial stuff for refresh_keyring method to Common class.
adds fd5ea4f launcher.py: Add method calls to common.refresh_keyring on signature verify failures.
adds 6f77eb1 common.py: Always call refresh_keyring prior to importing keys.
adds 87338d1 Only refresh the keyring, don't try to get new keys.
adds 445834e Use HKPS for GPG key refresh, add sks-keyservers' CA cert.
adds 452c998 Parse output of refresh_keys and display nicer output.
adds 062abe5 Merge branch 'issue-271' of https://github.com/dephekt/torbrowser-launcher into dephekt-issue-271
adds eb5ce69 Merge branch 'dephekt-issue-271'
adds a20103c Version bump to 0.2.8, and updated changelog
adds 9f125c8 Merge tag 'v0.2.8' into debian/sid
adds 512aeae Prepare to release 0.2.8-1
adds a85c163 d/control: wrap and sort
adds ce1f4b9 Add script to build manpage automatically
adds be31366 Remove debian/torbrowser-launcher.1
adds f6f8322 d/patches: Add a patch to support sysvinit systems for AppArmor
adds 59f1a53 Rebuild as 0.2.7-3~bpo9+1 for stretch-backports
adds e48574b Rebuild as 0.2.7-3~bpo8+1 for jessie-backports-sloppy
adds 9ccd4a2 Merge tag 'debian/0.2.8-1' into debian/stretch-backports
adds 4f8b448 Rebuild as 0.2.8-1~bpo9+1 for stretch-backports
adds 26e1daf Rebuild as 0.2.8-1~bpo8+1 for jessie-backports-sloppy
adds 01fb37b Merge branch 'debian/jessie-backports-sloppy' into debian/sid
adds a13f466 Prepare to release 0.2.8-2
adds 13a9aac d/patches: Add patch to update mirror list
adds fa0e994 d/patches: Add patch of apparmor config
adds 3dd5748 Prepare to release 0.2.8-3
adds 58fb654 Stop shipping /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.torbrowser-launcher and clean it up with rm_conffile.
adds a9ddd00 Add patches to make torbrowser-launcher work with AppArmor enabled on Linux 4.14.
adds c71089a Update debian/changelog
adds 3c19767 Ensure we don't ship the usr.bin.torbrowser-launcher conffile.
adds 58d9a31 torbrowser-launcher (0.2.8-4)
adds 77653ff Remove the torbrowser.start-tor-browser AppArmor profile conffile (Closes: #838817).
adds 4afa77b torbrowser-launcher (0.2.8-5)
adds ba1689b Rebuild as 0.2.8-3~bpo9+1 for stretch-backports
adds e967023 Rebuild as 0.2.8-3~bpo8+1 for jessie-backports-sloppy
adds d751bca Merge branch 'debian/jessie-backports-sloppy'
adds 3768e91 Rebuild as 0.2.8-4~bpo9+1 for stretch-backports
adds 4ba7e9b Rebuild as 0.2.8-4~bpo8+1 for jessie-backports-sloppy
adds 81838cc Merge branch 'debian/jessie-backports-sloppy'
adds cdceedf Rebuild as 0.2.8-5~bpo9+1 for stretch-backports
adds 118514f Rebuild as 0.2.8-5~bpo8+1 for jessie-backports-sloppy
adds f5a953e d/rules: Clean up all built files during dh_clean
adds e177df0 Update d/changelog and d/control
adds 31e2260 d/patches: Upgrade to the new spec of AppStream metadata
adds 0b7bdaa d/control: Add libdbus-glib-1-2 as dependency
adds 52a7685 Prepare to release 0.2.8-6
adds 1425d79 Read the version number from ChangeLog.txt
adds 295d359 Merge branch 'kraai-version-number'
adds 8648280 torbrowser-launcher: explicitly use python2 as interpreter
adds 24ffca2 Merge branch 'force-python2' of https://github.com/cyphar/torbrowser-launcher into cyphar-force-python2
adds 202d166 Merge branch 'cyphar-force-python2'
adds 570e972 Use octal numbers for mkdir
adds 001e1ee Merge branch 'feature-use-octal-numbers' of https://github.com/sedrubal/torbrowser-launcher into sedrubal-feature-use-octal-numbers
adds 4ce1438 Merge branch 'sedrubal-feature-use-octal-numbers'
adds bace7de Use print_function from __future__
adds 49c7ae4 Merge branch 'feature-print-function' of https://github.com/sedrubal/torbrowser-launcher into sedrubal-feature-print-function
adds 6951561 Use relative import
adds 23568b5 Merge branch 'feature-relative-import' of https://github.com/sedrubal/torbrowser-launcher into sedrubal-feature-relative-import
adds e732a8a Update mirror list
adds 3c126cf Merge branch 'PR/fix_mirror' of https://github.com/rogers0/torbrowser-launcher into rogers0-PR/fix_mirror
adds 0be9407 Updated mirror list again, from mirrors at https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/mirrors.html.en on 2018-01-28
adds 469331e Split print calls on newlines
adds 53d30f2 Merge branch '298-remove-newlines-from-prints' of https://github.com/creideiki/torbrowser-launcher into creideiki-298-remove-newlines-from-prints
adds b396ddb Merge branch 'creideiki-298-remove-newlines-from-prints'
adds 60120aa Update AppStream metadata
adds dc6b2ec Merge branch 'PR/appstream_metadata' of https://github.com/rogers0/torbrowser-launcher into rogers0-PR/appstream_metadata
adds 9651083 Merge branch 'rogers0-PR/appstream_metadata'
adds 3c70aae Update default mirror to https://dist.torproject.org/
adds 5644a16 Updated changelog and version bump to 0.2.9
adds a2bc002 AppArmor: create a new profile for Firefox' content rendering processes (plugin-container).
adds 46ea9f3 AppArmor: fully transition to plugin-container's own confinement when starting it, i.e. don't inherit Firefox' confinement.
adds 3b0ef2a AppArmor: allow plugin-container to read/map/execute itself.
adds 9fee29d AppArmor: remove useless "Last modified" lines that don't convey any information.
adds 6f6c8f9 AppArmor: remove lots of permissions the plugin-container process doesn't need.
adds b679cee AppArmor: give plugin-container read-only access to the Tor Browser components it needs, and to user extensions.
adds 76aca91 setup.py: install the new torbrowser.Browser.plugin-container profile.
adds c06722b AppArmor: add missing "owner" prefix, for consistency.
adds 33502fa AppArmor (refactoring): extract often used paths into variables.
adds 0184abb Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream-repo/master' into apparmor-e10s
adds 0fedf0d AppArmor: add missing library loading permissions.
adds af8567e AppArmor: grant plugin-container write access to the Downloads directory.
adds 3f8e6f9 AppArmor: move to plugin-container, and extend, the commented-out lines that help making sound work.
adds 4a2501e AppArmor: grant plugin-container write access to its temporary directory.
adds da82f9c AppArmor: merge lines to ease maintenance.
adds c58b5af AppArmor: improve comment about allowing sound.
adds 6608523 AppArmor: grant plugin-container read-write access on the fontconfig cache.
adds 72d385f AppArmor: support sysvinit systems.
adds 42126c4 Merge branch 'apparmor-e10s' of https://github.com/intrigeri/torbrowser-launcher into intrigeri-apparmor-e10s
adds cf7d6d7 Merge branch 'intrigeri-apparmor-e10s' into apparmor
adds 0c74b86 AppArmor: allow the tor process to modify its data directory.
adds 4290066 Merge branch 'apparmor-Data-Tor' of https://github.com/intrigeri/torbrowser-launcher into apparmor
adds cf9f591 Silence the AppArmor logs a bit more.
adds 41e39dc Merge branch 'silence-tor-browser-apparmor-logs' of https://github.com/intrigeri/torbrowser-launcher into apparmor
adds d043788 AppArmor: add rules needed with new mediation support added in Linux 4.14.
adds 68f502c AppArmor: grant access to mostly innocuous stuff Firefox tries to read.
adds bc5f78f AppArmor: drop the usr.bin.torbrowser-launcher profile.
adds 914d200 Merge branch 'apparmor-vs-Linux-4.14' of https://github.com/intrigeri/torbrowser-launcher into apparmor
adds ca1864c Remove nonexistent usr.bin.torbrowser-launcher AppArmor profile from setup.py
adds 06eea27 Add blank local override AppArmor files
adds ae949f3 Updated changelog once more
adds b24ce20 Merge tag 'v0.2.9' into debian/sid
adds 6de0de3 d/watch: Change filenamemangle to match with the filename in archive
adds 4a4d3e6 d/patches: Remove all upstreamed patches
adds fccb4bb d/rules: Add new apparmor profile: torbrowser.Browser.plugin-container
adds fd6894d Note the bug closure for the new upstream release
adds c8253e7 Prepare to release 0.2.9-1
adds e83b226 d/patches: Add AppArmor profiles, 2018-01 edition
adds ae0070a d/patches: Add a local patch to fix FTBFS
adds 52d0a1b Prepare to release 0.2.9-2
adds 835bfc5 Update AppArmor comments
adds d0a5cc4 Add github code ownders
adds 0e9db70 Add @intrigeri as code owner for AppArmor profiles
adds f8a4f74 Port Settings from gtk2 to Qt5, and also switch from python2 to python3
adds 052a099 Removed modem sound :(
adds 3c187ec Add icons to settings buttons
adds f7cc20d Refactor Launcher to use Qt5, removing all of gtk2 (does not execute yet still because of twisted issues)
adds 39fd6a0 Replace twisted with requests. Downloads work, but does not handle errors or update the GUI
adds 490844f Download in a separate thread, using requests
adds 3a79330 Fix buttons, and actually delete download path on exit
adds 7054fb0 Start making basic download error handling work again, and remove old twisted code
adds a23056b Verify signature in a separate thread
adds 6a54e32 Extract tarball in a separate thread
adds 1d3b107 Check for SSL error when downloading
adds ca0027c Fix issue with settings checkboxes not working correctly
adds 0195e48 Make downloading over Tor work
adds 055a26c Give more intelligence errors if connection error while using socks proxy
adds f1473aa Fix ampersand
adds 2b854d4 Fix style on setup.py
adds 467fd09 Update build scripts and dependencies
adds df33b47 Fix flake8 style issues
adds 45e6c01 Allow ctrl-c to work again (see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5160577/ctrl-c-doesnt-work-with-pyqt)
adds a7f1669 Only try refreshing the keyring when necessary
adds b8453e3 Must retain a reference to the QMainWindow, or Qt never shows it
adds 7cc2611 Center the window
adds 826efbe Fixed various issues related to sig verification. Now if the verification fails, it saves a backup. And it uses gpg2 to refresh the keyring instead of gpg1, which did nothing.
adds 23f9d6d Add gnupg2 as a dependency
adds dff21a7 Clean up dependencies, and remove requirements.txt because it is out-of-date and I use systemwide packages for deps
adds bc0ffbd Updated translations
adds 14233d0 Tweak build files to fix issues in debian building
adds acc967d Update fr.po
adds feb5830 Merge branch 'patch-1' of https://github.com/forthommel/torbrowser-launcher into forthommel-patch-1
adds f97b550 Merge branch 'forthommel-patch-1' into major-refactor
adds 2f8b8dd Version bump to 0.3.0.dev
adds 8301c4d Merge remote-tracking branch 'micahflee/develop'
adds 83c04dd d/patches: Rebase patches
adds aac63a1 Support new release 0.3.0.dev in develop branch
adds 419e5f7 d/patches: Add patch 0017 and 0018 to fix the extra dialog issue
adds f780a58 Prepare to release 0.3.0~dev-1~exp1 to experimental
No new revisions were added by this update.
Summary of changes:
.github/CODEOWNERS | 5 +
BUILD.md | 9 +-
CHANGELOG.md | 16 +
apparmor/local/torbrowser.Browser.firefox | 2 +
apparmor/local/torbrowser.Browser.plugin-container | 2 +
apparmor/local/torbrowser.Tor.tor | 2 +
apparmor/torbrowser.Browser.firefox | 82 +-
apparmor/torbrowser.Browser.plugin-container | 82 ++
apparmor/torbrowser.Tor.tor | 9 +-
apparmor/tunables/torbrowser | 2 +
apparmor/usr.bin.torbrowser-launcher | 54 --
build_deb.sh | 4 +-
build_rpm.sh | 4 +-
debian/changelog | 208 ++++-
debian/control | 22 +-
debian/help2man/help | 8 +
debian/help2man/torbrowser-launcher | 3 +
debian/help2man/update-help | 3 +
.../0002-Drop-spurious-trailing-whitespace.patch | 16 +
...low-plugin-container-to-read-file-app-ass.patch | 25 +
...low-Firefox-to-ptrace-plugin-container-an.patch | 25 +
...low-plugin-container-to-receive-term-sign.patch | 75 ++
debian/patches/0006-Fix-comment.patch | 21 +
...low-Firefox-to-fully-manage-its-fontconfi.patch | 23 +
...ant-access-to-mostly-innocuous-stuff-plug.patch | 32 +
...rmor-silence-denial-logs-about-PulseAudio.patch | 53 ++
...ilence-more-inherited-files-access-denial.patch | 20 +
...rmor-drop-support-for-long-obsolete-paths.patch | 49 ++
...factor-thanks-to-variables-defined-in-tun.patch | 50 ++
...pArmor-give-the-tor-profile-a-stable-name.patch | 30 +
...pport-some-of-the-included-pluggable-tran.patch | 33 +
...move-boilerplate-from-local-override-file.patch | 32 +
...-Remove-apparmor-local-path-from-setup.py.patch | 24 +
.../0017-show-gui-only-if-tbb-not-installed.patch | 60 ++
.../0018-remove-double-common-assignment.patch | 23 +
debian/patches/series | 17 +
debian/rules | 13 +-
.../lintian-overrides} | 0
debian/torbrowser-launcher.1 | 13 -
debian/torbrowser-launcher.maintscript | 3 +-
debian/torbrowser-launcher.manpages | 2 +-
debian/watch | 2 +-
po/cs.po | 298 +++++++
po/fr.po | 313 ++++----
po/hu.po | 301 +++++++
po/nl.po | 249 +++---
po/pl.po | 232 +++---
po/ru.po | 277 ++++---
requirements.txt | 18 -
setup.py | 34 +-
share/applications/torbrowser-settings.desktop | 5 +-
share/applications/torbrowser.desktop | 6 +-
share/{appdata => metainfo}/torbrowser.appdata.xml | 8 +-
share/torbrowser-launcher/mirrors.txt | 49 +-
share/torbrowser-launcher/modem.ogg | Bin 163622 -> 0 bytes
share/torbrowser-launcher/sks-keyservers.netCA.pem | 32 +
share/torbrowser-launcher/version | 2 +-
stdeb.cfg | 8 +-
torbrowser-launcher | 2 +-
torbrowser_launcher.pot | 203 +++--
torbrowser_launcher/__init__.py | 64 +-
torbrowser_launcher/common.py | 168 ++--
torbrowser_launcher/launcher.py | 865 +++++++++++----------
torbrowser_launcher/settings.py | 323 +++-----
64 files changed, 3109 insertions(+), 1506 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 .github/CODEOWNERS
create mode 100644 apparmor/local/torbrowser.Browser.firefox
create mode 100644 apparmor/local/torbrowser.Browser.plugin-container
create mode 100644 apparmor/local/torbrowser.Tor.tor
create mode 100644 apparmor/torbrowser.Browser.plugin-container
create mode 100644 apparmor/tunables/torbrowser
delete mode 100644 apparmor/usr.bin.torbrowser-launcher
create mode 100644 debian/help2man/help
create mode 100755 debian/help2man/torbrowser-launcher
create mode 100755 debian/help2man/update-help
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0002-Drop-spurious-trailing-whitespace.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0003-AppArmor-allow-plugin-container-to-read-file-app-ass.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0004-AppArmor-allow-Firefox-to-ptrace-plugin-container-an.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0005-AppArmor-allow-plugin-container-to-receive-term-sign.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0006-Fix-comment.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0007-AppArmor-allow-Firefox-to-fully-manage-its-fontconfi.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0008-AppArmor-grant-access-to-mostly-innocuous-stuff-plug.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0009-AppArmor-silence-denial-logs-about-PulseAudio.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0010-AppArmor-silence-more-inherited-files-access-denial.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0011-AppArmor-drop-support-for-long-obsolete-paths.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0012-AppArmor-refactor-thanks-to-variables-defined-in-tun.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0013-AppArmor-give-the-tor-profile-a-stable-name.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0014-AppArmor-support-some-of-the-included-pluggable-tran.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0015-AppArmor-remove-boilerplate-from-local-override-file.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0016-Remove-apparmor-local-path-from-setup.py.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0017-show-gui-only-if-tbb-not-installed.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0018-remove-double-common-assignment.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/series
rename debian/{source.lintian-overrides => source/lintian-overrides} (100%)
delete mode 100644 debian/torbrowser-launcher.1
create mode 100644 po/cs.po
create mode 100644 po/hu.po
delete mode 100644 requirements.txt
rename share/{appdata => metainfo}/torbrowser.appdata.xml (93%)
delete mode 100644 share/torbrowser-launcher/modem.ogg
create mode 100644 share/torbrowser-launcher/sks-keyservers.netCA.pem
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-privacy/packages/torbrowser-launcher.git
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